Chapter 7

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Jades POV

The next morning i woke up in a tight grip i look over to see Trevor holding me in his arms while he was sleep. I tried getting out of his hold when he asked were i was going. Bathroom i said with a small voice . With that he got out of bed and came to the other side of the bed.

I Flinched when he reached his arms out to me thinking he was going to hit me, but instead he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom he sat me down on the toilet stool and just stood their waiting for me to use it. Umm m-master can you turn around please. Its not like i haven't seen you naked before he said with a smirk.

With that he turned around and i did my business then went to the sink to wash my hands when i looked in the mirror and gasped! I looked awful. Trevor must of heard me gasp because he just smirk. I looked back at the mirror not even paying attention to "master" (note the sarcasm). I had bags under my eyes and i looked pale and my hair was a mess i looked skinnier too. I was snapped out of my thoughts on the way i looked when Trevor told me to clean the bathroom and his room.

A hour later i was finished i haven't seen him all day so i just sat in my usual corner and fell asleep. I was woken up by Trevor coming in mad when i mean mad he had his fangs out and his eyes were a reddish black color. He seemed a little drunk too.

GET UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT! He yelled i hurried and stood. He came lunging at me in his fist met my face i stubbled back and held my cheek in pain then he came grabbed me by my hair and said i have a surprise for you.

I was dragged into the basement to this cell like room were there were two people i didn't think ill ever see in my life. It was my abusive mother and father. I opened my mouth in shock then he asked them a question. Where's my little brother at he slurred

. They grinned evilly and didn't say anything. Then he took the whip and hit me ten timed they answered incorrectly.i kept getting whipped because i knew they would
never give the answer. Then Trevor took a knife and stabbed it in my stomach i yelped in pain. My mother finally said the basement and he bite both of there necks sucking all the blood out and they laid their dead. I really didnt care because they abused me all my life.

I still had the knife in my stomach and Trevor just left me like that. I had whip wounds everywhere even one was on my cheek. I probably also had a black eye from him punching me. I laid there while blood was oozing out of my wounds. I hated being helpless.

Trevors pov

I found out once i left the room that my brother was kidnapped i panicked and went everywhere i would think he would be. Being so stressed out i went to the bar to drink. Then for some odd reason i thought i knew who took him.
Jades parents! I followed the scent of them and was at the house and knocked them both out with one punch and carried them to one of the cells. Thats when everything happened the beating of Jade. They finally confessed but i killed them anyways i left to go get my brother. Sure i was still drunk but i had to get him. Once i arrived he was down their tied up and when he saw me he looked happy. I untied him and drove home once we got there we went to bed. 

The next morning i looked around for Jade thats when i remembered leaving her down their. I rushed into the cell to see her in a ball with blood still oozing out of her with the knife still there she looked at me with a black eye and a pale face. I went to kneel by her to pull the knife out but she flinched.

Jades pov

He took the knife out and ran with me in his arms to what seem liked
A doctors office room. I NEED A DOCTOR HE YELLED! I was placed on the operating table and blacked out.

I woke up to see that i was covered on bandages. Nobody was in the room so i called out "hello" then came a doctor and checked me then he told me i was free to go and that he would call Trevor. To be honest i was frightened to see him again. When the door opened i limped back against the wall to get away from him. Yes my ankle still hurt but i wasn't gone let it get to me. He came close to me and i let a small whimper.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his room once again. Thats when he just sat me down and left and locked the door i stayed in the room for hours and hours went to days and days turned into weeks.

I went to take a shower , my wounds were healing but slowly. I still had a long scar on my cheek and my black eye was almost healed. Once i got out of the shower i put a over sized t-shirt on and some baggy sweat pants.

Days went by and i think I've been locked up in here for a month I'm not sure though. I haven't had food and im starving.  I was looking out of the window when the door slowly opened i didn't pay attention and kept my eyes staring out of the window. Hands were on my shoulders and thats when i turned around to see Trevor.

I looked at him and didn't bother to ask were he's been. Sorry that I've been gone for so long. I just stared at him with no emotion. I really didn't care anymore about what happened to me. Hey lets go eat something he said.
I walked slowly behind and when i say slowly i mean very very slow.
I guess he saw that i was walking slow so he just carried me to the kitchen. Im guessing he wanted me to cook. What do you want to eat i said with a sigh. No im cooking he said. I just sat back and watched him cook. It was silent
When we were eating. So what have you been up to he asked me. Seriously! I wanted to shout but i just shrugged.
Im really am sorry for leaving you in there for so long and....... Im thirsty he said with a grin and i just shrug. I didn't even care anymore he bit into my neck and when he was done i broke down in a sob and fell to my knees. YOU KNOW WHAT TREVOR YOU FINALLY BROKE ME ... AGAIN!

Then i blacked out from all the blood he sucked.

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