Chapter 17

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( pic of Mackenzie)

Jades pov

Today im supposed to be watching Mackenzie while Trev goes out with his friends.

By love, he kisses me on the forehead. I walk to the bathroom locking the door.

I scrub my hair with the strawberry scented shampoo. Once i get out of the shower i change into some adidas sweats with a white tank top. Theres no reason to dress up if I'm just babysitting. I unlock my bathroom and screamed. Mackenzie you scared me! How did you get in here? She giggled and plopped down from the bed.

Well when i arrived a man let me in and led me up to your room. Then he left she giggled.

What should we do today? Lets have breakfast, she screamed. I giggled. Jade? Huh, i asked looking confused at her. Can i have a piggy back ride? Sure, she hoped on my back and we made or way to the kitchen.

So what would you like to eat, i asked putting a apron on. Hmm, i whant chocolate chip pan and cakes, with bacon. I giggled at the way she pronounced pancakes. Ok Kenzie chocolate chip pancakes and bacon it is.

After finished cooking and eating we headed to to the table to color.
She started to get bored so i let her watch some Tv.

Hey Mackenzie do you wanna go to the toy store. Ill buy you something. Yay! She screamed jumping up and down.

I texted Trevor if i could borrow his Impala. I wonder why he has an Impala.

Sure babe, its actually a car i bought for you. Anyway where you heading? He responded back.

Im going to buy Mackenzie a toy. Ok hun be save. Love you, he sent kiss emojis back and i giggled.

We hopped into my new silver impala and drove off.
Im actually pretty good at driving even though my parents never taught me. But i had my friend Hannah teach me.

When we arrived to the toy store i let her pick out to toys. She got a barbie doll and a teddy bear. We headed to the car and i helped her buckle up.

I then got in and buckled up. We were driving and a car slammed right into us running the red light.

I screamed as glass hit me and Mackenzie screamed also. My leg was stuck once again. This is such de ja vu. Kenzie can you unseat belt yourself! Yes, she unseat belted fast. Now i need you to get out of the car and go to the side walk. She got out and walked to the women who was standing on the side walk terrified with her own children.

She hugged Kenzie and looked at me.
The ambulance is on its way she yelled.
I saw oil leaking and i started to panic.

It was no use i was stuck! I looked to the car that hit me and it was Mackenzie's mom? And Maggie was in there! They got out not as hurt as me. Maggie came running over to me. Jade! Are you ok?! Im fine, just get away from the car. I cant just leave you! Leave Maggie!

The firefighters and ambulance arrived and my car cached on fire! It was so hot in the car i was beginning to sweat! I couldn't breathe well either. I screamed in pain while the fire burned my arms!

The firefighters got the door opened and that was the last thing i remembered before blacking out.

Maggie's pov

As soon as the car catched on fire and i immediately dialed Trevor's phone number. Hello, he answered. Trevor my mom just crashed into Jaded
Car and she stuck! And now the car is on fire and they cant get her out!

What! He screamed through the phone. Meet us at the hospital now. On my way! I hung up the phone and stepped into the ambulance with her.
Holding on to her burnt arm.

Tears came pouring down like a waterfall. Im sorry Jade, i whispered.

We finally arrived to the hospital and they rushed her into a room. I wad left to wait in the waiting room with my mom and sis. They arrived shortly after us.

We sat in silence when Trevor busted through the doors. Where is she! Shes in the room they'll come out shortly Trevor calm down. He sat by me pulling at his hair. Family of Jade, the doctor said holding charts in his hand. We all stood up fast waiting for results. Shes doing better. She has s broken leg and rib. Both her arms have second degree burns on them.

She is on this breathing machine because she had to much smoke go to her lungs but she should be fine.

Trevor's pov

Doctor can i go in? Only family members. Im her family member. He walked me to her room and when he opened it i stood there in shock. She had white bandage tape wrapped all around her arms. She had a pink cast. There was a mask over her mouth and nose. I walked up to her and
Sat in the chair by her.

Jade, if you can her me love squeeze my hand. I didn't feel a squeeze on my hand. Then i felt her fingers hold on tight to my hand. Trev- she tried to say but immediately started coughing. Shhh baby its ok.

The doctor came in. I will allow her to go home tonight but bring her by tomorrow around two thirty. Sure thing Doc. He unhooked her and i picked her up carrying her to the car.

We arrived back home and i laid her in the bed. You scared me Jade! I thought i lost you when i heard that the car was on fire.

Im sorry Trev i never meant to scare you. But im ok, i promise.
Her voice was raspy and she sounded like she was in pain.

I never meant to wreck the car and oh my phone and Mackenzie. Jade relax ok everything and everyone is fine.

I kissed her forehead and she fell asleep in a uncomfortable position since her arms, leg and ribs hurt.

Poor my love, my wife, my baby

New chapter. Tell me what you think. Comment and follow


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