Chapter 14

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Jades pov

Ever since the wedding I've been trapped up in his room.
I haven't seen him since the wedding either.  I looked down at the pretty ring that was on my finger.

My blood boiled.I didn't want to get married! I threw the ring at the wall and cried. I have a right to leave this room! I walked up to the door to be surprisingly unlocked. I passed a room and heard moaning. I looked through  the crack in the door and saw Trevor on top of some blonde. I gasped backing up hitting my back against the wall.
I sprinted to the kitchen. After all i was hungry for not eating in over a week. I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't look back either. I didn't care if he was behind me or not.

I turned around anyways to head to the living room with my plate and saw him with that blond. Jade its not what what you think. I chuckled and sat down. Does he think I'm stupid because im sure not.

She left and he walked over to me. I stood up with confidence and smacked him. What was that for! You are one stupid vampire! You think im stupid, huh! Well i seen you making love with that girl and you expect me not to react. I chuckled loud. Wheres your ring? Oh that thing i threw it at the wall. Its so funny how i got forced to marry YOU! His blood was boiling and his eyes was red.

He was chocking me, go ahead kill me get it over with. I flew across the room hitting the wall. Tears were streaming down my face not because that hurt, but i was tired of this non sense. Is that all you got! He picked me and slammed my head in the wall leaving an indent.

He pick me up and led me to this door which I'm guessing led to the balcony.
He threw me over and i heard my leg and arm snap at the same time. Ahhhhh! I scream and cry in pain, but no he's not finished there. He jumps off the balcony landing smoothly and bend my already broken leg back. You will show me respect Jade, his voice was deep and stern. He lifts me by my hair and drags me all the way to the top floor he throws me into what i think is the attic. You worthless vampire i yell while tears spill down my cheeks. My whole body was numb and my arm and leg was turning purple. My vision started getting blurry and i blacked out.

Its been maybe about two or three weeks up in the attic. I have  bruises all over my body. Each time he comes up here he makes more bruises and bends my arm and leg saying "i shouldn't be aloud to heal". Why cant i just have a normal life! He came in with a smirk. Are you ready to be a good wife. I hated when he called me his wife?I just rolled my eyes. He picked me up and carried me to the car. Where are we going? To the hospital. Who's hurt, oh wait i am.

We arrived to the hospital and i got x-rays. I had a broken arm and leg, broken rib, and fractured skull. Did i mention i had a small fracture on my other leg! I got a cast on my right leg and a wrap on my left. I got a cast on my left arm also. The doctor gave me a wheelchair and medication for the pain and the skull fracture. Great i have to go a whole month and a half with casts. While Trevor or should i say "monster" filled out the information papers. A nurse came in with a teddy bear and a chocolate bar. This is for you honey i hope you feel better. Thank you, i smiled as she left.
He pushed me in my wheelchair to his black Suv. He picked me up and put me on the passenger seat. He sat my wheelchair in the back.

Once we arrived at the house he just walked to the door forgetting i was handicap

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Once we arrived at the house he just walked to the door forgetting i was handicap. I opened the door with my hand without the cast and just looked at him with a "really" face. He jogged over to me. Ops i forgot love. He got my wheelchair out and put me in it. I hugged the teddy bear tight. This is going to be one long night.

Yay! New chapter. What do you think? Will there relationship get better?


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