Chapter 9

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2 days later

Jades pov

Its my birthday!! I thought instantly when i woke up. Im finally sixteen! I fell off the couch because I was so excited. yes i said couch because ever since that night when he acted weird it kinda scared me. Ouch! I stilled sat on the floor when i heard someone coming it was just Trevor.

Are you alright, he said. Im fine. Go get ready im taking you somewhere for your birthday. I just nod my head. I went to the room and went to the bathroom to see clothes on the counter ( pic up top). I took a shower and dried my hair. I put the clothes on , i didn't mind wearing shorts on a warm September day. I  braided my hair down into a lose braid. I walked down to see him waiting for me.

We headed for the car and drove off. Tyler may i ask were where going? Its a surprise he said. Twenty minutes later we finally arrived it was a lake. He got out and began placing a blanket on the grass then he started pulling food out of a basket. A picnic? I stood by the car door not knowing what he was doing. He sat on the blanket and patted it for me to sit. He told me about his life and we laughed a little. I told him a little about my and life when i didn't get abused at first.

We ate sandwiches and sipped on ice tea. We had been there for hours. I was looking at the beautiful sky when he pulled me close to him. I looked at him confused then i couldn't move fast enough he forcefully kissed me ! I quickly stood up I've got this courage to yell. Why would you kiss me you evil monster i will not love you don't ever kiss me forcefully!! I was pacing back on forth by the water

He stood up with anger in his eyes. His eyes went black. He came to me and pushed me unto the lake! I cant swim! My parents never let me go swimming. The water was deep! I started screaming out "HELP I CANT SWIM"! He just stood there. I was drowning water kept going in my mouth. Thats when i sunk to the bottom. This was the way i was going to die.

Trevor's pov
I thought she was playing about not being able to swim. When i saw her sink to the bottom i jumped into the water grabbing her and pulling her into the grass. I started doing CPR on her and mouth to mouth. Then CPR again.

I pressed on her chest really hard this time and she started coughing up lots of water. She laid their breathing hard. Her body was soaked and since it got colder out since it was late now she was shivering.I carried her to the car and then we drove off. We didn't talk to whole time in the car.

Jades pov

I cant believe i drowned. I was in the car shaking like crazy because one I'm freezing and two I'm in shock. We got back to the cabin and i watched him walk to the door of the cabin. I just couldn't move.

I looked back at him and his eyes turned black which was my cue to get out of the car. I walked to the door with my body still wet and my hair wet dripping also. As i entered the cabin he stood their and i bumped into him. Sorry i said.  I went past him about to go into "our" room but  he held on to my arm. Im sorry i thought you were lying about knowing how to swim.

We stared at each other then i went to the room to change. In the middle of changing he walked in on me. Once i was done changing i didn't want to be by him since of what happened today. I sat in a corner with my knees pulled close to me. He went to take a shower and i feel asleep.

Trevor's pov

I went to take a shower and when i came back i saw that she was fast asleep in the corner. I picked her up and put her in the bed. I laid by her and thought of the image of her drowning. Her face looking frightened in fear. I cant believe i let her drown. I look to see her tossing and turning.

Then she screamed. Its ok im right here i said and pulled her closer. What was it about? Me drowning. I forgot it was my birthday she said out loud with a sad face. I almost forgot myself and forgot i had cake. I carried her into the kitchen and sat her on a stool then i pulled out chocolate cake from the fridge that read "happy birthday jade". She was so surprised the look on her face was like she was in shock. I never had a birthday cake she said with a small smile.

Their was only one stool in the counter so i sat her on the counter and then i sat down and pulled her into my lap. This is delicious she said smiling. Once we were done eating cake we sat on the couch to watch tv. She drifted to sleep in my lap. I looked at the time that read 12:40 time for bed. I thought in my head will she ever love me?

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