Chapter 19

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Jades pov

We arrived to the house and Trevor carried me to our room. While was only in my undergarments Trevor pushed me onto the bed.

Trevor! What baby, he smirked. What are you doing. Oh nothing just looking at my beautiful babe, he had lust in his eyes. I was now pinned under him.

He undid my bra and my underwear. He removed his pants. Please Trev I'm not ready. He was mesmerized and i don't think he heard a word i said.

Tears were in my eyes because i didnt like what happened. He basically rapped me! I put clothes and ran out of the room while Trevor looked shocked. Probably of what he just did to a sixteen year old girl.

I went to the couch and laid down. It was cold, dark, and scary downstairs , but I didn't want to see him for the night. Plus it was thundering and the branches of the trees were hitting the window.

I made myself comfortable on the small couch before falling asleep.


I woke up on the hard floor. I probably rolled off of it. I shrugged it off and stood up suddenly feeling sick.

I watch a maid go by and i gave a small wave before running off to a bathroom.

I threw up and I didn't like it. I felt someone hold back my hair and i knew it was Trev. If I'm pregnant im going to be so pissed.

I wasn't ready for a child. Im still a teen for goodness sakes! I wash my mouth out and head upstairs to the room.

I brush my teeth and put on adidas sweats with a tank top.
I wasn't hungry so i curled up in a ball and watch tv.

~*~ 1 week later

Today we are going to the doctor to see if im pregnant or not. As i open the door i get nervous Trevor holds my hand and i glare at him. He caused this.

Ok Jade I need you to lay on this bed, said doctor Rick. As he rubbed the substance on my belly for the ultrasound i closed my eyes.

Jade I believe your pregnant. Congratulations, he smiled. My whole entire world froze. Me, pregnant!

We walked out of the doctors office heading home. Im scared, I whispered to Trev while he was driving us home.

Love, its ok were in this together. Im going to have a vampire doctor come to check you today to see if its a vampire baby or a human baby. Or either both. I nodded slowly getting all the information that is coming to me.

Doesn't the mother die if she gives birth to a vampire baby, I whispered. I don't know love thats why I'm having a vampire doctor come and check you.

As we arrived home i dragged myself into the house. Most girls would be excited, but for me i wasn't ready for all of this.

I pulled out some left over pasta and sat at the diner room table all by myself. Trevor for some odd reason has been keeping away from me.

I shrug it off and head to bed. I climb in and Trev comes out of the bathroom and stands there. Trevor? Hmm? Are you ok, you seem a little off.

Nothings wrong beautiful I've just been thinking of the kind of good father I'm going to be.  He climbed into bed and put his large arms around my waist.

Goodnight love, he said. Goodnight, i said while yawning.

Shes pregnant! While her baby be a vampire? Will it be a boy or a girl?
Stay tune to find out in the next chapter.

P.S : If any comments on my chapters i will shout you out.

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