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Jades pov

I watch as my four year olds play together. Trevor wraps his arms around my waist. Today is my twentieth birthday.

We decided to hang out at the lake today. "Babe"? I look up and Trev puts his lips on mine and i do the same. "Eww", the twins squeak while covering there eyes. Me and Trevor chuckle. "Look mommy i can do that too", Johnny giggles. He turns and places his lips on Julia's cheek .

"Gwoss"! Julia runs over to me and i pick her up. "You guys are something else", Trevor chuckles .

I hear a car pull up and look to see that its Maggie and her boyfriend Alaric. She had a kid around the same time i did without telling. You ask me why I didn't even notice the baby bump. It wasn't noticeable!

"Aunty Jade", Matilda screams. She runs up to me and i hold her and Julia in my arms. "Hi Jwulia". "Hello Matwilda"! I set them both down and they run to Johnny.

"Hello Johnny"! She peaks his lips and my eyes widen in shock. "Matilda"! Maggie walks over to her giving her a small lecture of waiting till she grew up.

"Family picture", i yell. We all get the picture and i set my phone on the ten second countdown. "Cheese", we all say.

After the picture we lay the food out on the bench. "Cake, cake, cake", i hear the kids yell as Trevor slices them a piece.

As they get the cake they all quiet down. I talk to Maggie about how here and Alaric are doing but i am interrupted by Julia screaming at me. "Mommy"!! I look at her and her whole face is covered with frosting at the chocolate cake in her hair.

"Julia, we don't play with our food"! "Sworry mommy".

After the lake i bathe Julia and Johnny and put them to bed. I walk out and walk to the kitchen. "You Ma lady is going to have your first drink". "Trevor slides me a cup with the alcoholic beverage in it. I gulp some down and cough.

"This is really strong"! I down the rest and take another cup. "This is the last one Trev i dont want to be drunk". I down the other one this time it burning my throat.

"Happy birthday love". "Cheers to the most loving mother and wife ever". "Cheers", i smile while drinking whats left in my cup.

Omg! This is the last chapter sadly. Tell me what you think? Also stalked by a vampire will be out by the afternoon of Monday maybe. Good bye for now 😭

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