Chapter 22

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Month later

Jades pov

Right now i am being dragged into this weird castle place with Trevor. All the people i meet keeping calling him prince.

"Wait here love", I stay by the door looking around in the hall. "Hello darling". I jumped at the mysterious voice. I looked around like I didn't here a thing. I felt a pinch on my arm and looked down to see that he bit into my arm. "Trevor", i screamed while becoming dizzy falling to the ground.

Oh crap! I think my water just broke also. Trevor came running out killing the other vampire and coming to my aid, "Trevor my water broke"! His eyes lit up and hurriedly sucked the venom out of my arm picking me up running to who knows we're.

We bust through the doors were doctors come running up. "She's in labor"! I get put on a bed and a hospital gown put on me.

"Ok ma'am your baby is ready to come now"! Ready? I nod while squeezing Trevor's hand tight. "1,2,3 push"! I push screaming hearing the scream of my baby boy. "One more baby to go miss." What! I thought there was only one"!

I push once more and i hear another cry. Its a girl! I sigh in relief. Ill name you Julia i said  looking down at my baby girl. Ill name you Johnny i said looking down at my baby boy. Ill name you Julia i said looking at my baby girl.

Trevor smiled showing his perfect teeth. "Their beautiful just like there momma. I smiled looking up at him. "Their adorable, i cant believe i had twins". I gave him Julia to hold. While i held Johnny i looked into his big brown eyes.

The doctor came back in telling me that Julia wasn't vampire, but Johnny was. I nodded and looked at my beauties.

Apparently Trevor said we were going to stay in this castle for a while so i get comfortable in our room and set Johnny in the crib while Trev sets Julia in after Johnny.

Im supposed to rest for three days so i lay in bed and fall into a deep sleep.

Did i surprise you guys! I just thought twins would be better to add. Will be updating important things in a A/N about the sequel.

Kidnapped by a vampire ( #wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now