A/N please read

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Ok so i was thinking about what i should do for the sequel. So i have two options you can pick from.....

Option #1

Julia will be a freshman in high school, but while in class she feels as if someone been starring at her. What happens when her stalker loves her and wants her for himself. She tells all of it to her twin Johnny but he says she over reacting. But her stalker takes it too far and kidnaps her.

Kinda like her mom Jade 😉


Option #2

It can continue as them still being infants. Jade and Trev become more closer. There kids grow up. They live a happy life. No one is there to harm them and Jade comes queen of the castle.

(Don't really like this option not really much action in it)

So you guys decide in the comment section which option you like? Also comment a book title for either option😉😊

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