Chapter 10

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Jades pov

I woke up on the couch in Trevor's lap while he was sleep. I guess he feel asleep also. I got of his lap and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once i went down stairs i headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast. While i was cooking someone's strong muscular arms around my waist. I looked back and just saw it was master i mean Trevor. Good Morning master. Good morning also you don't have to call mr that anymore, umm ok. I was finished making breakfast and gave him his plate. So i was wondering if you would like to go out tonight? Like to a restaurant?

Did he just ask me on a date? Are you asking me on a date? I guess he said rubbing the back of his neck. Well sure i said with a small smile. When are we leaving the cabin, i asked? Tomorrow. I bought you this dress. Really? I was surprised because one day he's mad at me the next day he's nice and loving. He put his hands over my eyes and guided me to the closet were he released his hands and i saw a beautiful black dress and a tux.
Go get dressed he said with a smirk. After 30 minutes of doing showering doing makeup and getting the dress on i was finally finished. When we were on the car and he asked , do you like seafood?

I love seafood i said with happiness in my voice. We got to the restaurant and we ordered our food. He lobster and i got shrimp linguini. Im going the bathroom real quick i told him. As i was walking to the bathroom a muscular man stopped me and pinned me against the wall. Hi sexy lady. Um excuse me but i have to get somewhere and my dates waiting. Hun come with me i wont bite he said, then he squeezed my boob and i gasped in pain.

He then made his hand in my bra and squeezed it again. Stop! Or else he said with a grin, or else i will get my boyfriend on you. Did i just say boyfriend?! He grabbed my butt and i yelped then he kissed me forcefully and i tried getting out of his grip when i heard Trevor yell, JADE!! That man hurried and left and Trevor dragged me out leaving the waitress a tip. Once we reached outside he punched my face and i feel to the ground grabbing my cheek.

I tried running when he just grabbed me by my dress and it ripped. His eyes were turning red.
Then he punched me dead in the face with much power this time and i blacked out.

Trevors pov

I beat her up in the parking lot then carried her to the car. We were in the car for about a hour of driving when she woke up rubbing her cheek. Trevor how could you i was never hitting on that man i was walking to the bathroom and he pinned me against the wall then he started feeling on my boobs and butt and thats when he kissed me she said with tears coming down her cheeks. I pulled the car over and she showed me the red marks on her boobs.

You don't have to believe me
She said quietly. Oh i believe you. Just as we were driving off a semi truck ran the red light and crashed into the car! Jade! Her leg was stuck and her head rested on the airbag. I tried pulling her out but it wasnt working. I smelt gasoline and knew something was wrong. She lifted her head up that had a piece of glass in her forehead and blood all over. Leave me !

She yelled, you have family and other things ill be all right. That when i went to action and the adrenaline kicked in i pushed the door off her leg and ran with her away from the gasoline thats when the exploding happened and we went flying . Her face skidded against the cement and their was now a huge big blob of blood on her face. I took her and ran in my vampire speed to the nearest hospital. Once we were their the doctor told me how she broke her leg in three spots and how shes gonna need a cast.

After putting her purple cast on. He took the glass out of her face and wrapped her wounds up. How did you get that bruise he said. I fell I'm really clumsy she said. I cant believe she lied thank God she did. He gave her crutches then we got permission to leave. She was wobbly on her crutches but she managed to get it.
How will we get home she said. My vampire speed. Hope on, we finally reached the cabin and i sat her down on the couch.

Jades pov

I cant believe i broke my leg! Well at least i get a cast. While i was sitting on the couch. He asked why did you lie for me? Because your the only person i have since im an orphan now if thats what you want to call me. Thanks baby then i kissed her on the lips and carried her to bed.

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