Chapter 8

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Trevor pov

"I couldn't help it i hadn't had human blood in weeks. Her blood was delicious, but when i was done she dropped to her knees crying. she yelled out " YOU KNOW WHAT TREVOR YOU FINALLY BROKE ME ..... AGAIN. When she said that i was angry and sad at the same time.
I was about to smack her but she passed out. I didn't even care i left her on the floor and headed upstairs to my room and went to bed.  

The next morning i went down stairs to see she was still on the floor. I went closer and she was was barely breathing and she was pale. I shook her to wake her up. When i saw her eyes open she looked like she was about to pass out again. Thats when i thought "not enough blood". I bit into my wrist and put her mouth on it.

I let my blood drip into her mouth. She woke up again and started standing up but i pushed her back down she looked up with her big brown eyes in confusion and fear. YOU WILL NEVER DISRESPECT ME! I yelled, "w-what do you mean", she asked confused.

"You disrespected me by saying my name and talking back without permission!" With that i started punching her and took my belt off and whipped her really hard. I stopped then punched her two times aiming for her eye and her nose on accident. She yelped in pain.Then i kicked her on her side and when i was done i yelled "CLEAN YOUR BLOOD UP!" With a smirk then i left

Jades pov

"Once again i was beat to death this time he left me and told me to clean my own freaking blood up! I couldn't even move i laid their and felt a hot tear run down my cheek. He reopened some of my wounds from previous which hurt even more. I wonder were everyone was at. I haven't seen his siblings for like forever. I laid their and just drifted to sleep because like i said "i didn't care anymore".

I woke up when i heard the door slam and Trevor walking up to me. He picked me up and carried me back into his room. When we got up their he dropped me like i was his backpack or something.

I yelped in pain when i hit the hard floor. Clean yourself up now, he said. I got up in pain and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I kinda yelped when the water hit my wounds. I got out and put on some new clothes. When i looked in the mirror and i had yet another black eye and my face was bruised up.

I had wounds everywhere still freshly opened. I limped out of the bathroom and when i went out he was on the edge of the bed looking down at his fingers. I came up to him and tapped him. "Are you ok? I know that i shouldn't care but i just wanted to know. He looked up at me and just shrugged "I'm bored" he said.

I didn't say anything. Go cook me dinner he said. I went down and cooked up some food then i set it at the table and called him down. When he was eating i went to clean up the mess when he told me to sit. When i sat next to him he held his fork up with the spaghetti i cooked for him.

I looked up at him confused. "eat" . I took a bite and then he took a bite. He kept making me eat until it was all gone. So my family went on vacation so i guess its just me and you.

I gulped at the sound of that. Lets watch tv he said. I was so surprised when he said that i haven't watched tv in months. We sat on the couch and in the middle of watching tv i fell asleep.

Trevor pov
I watched as she fell asleep. She was beautiful even with all the bruises and wounds i cost on her. Stop thinking like that Trevor you cannot have feelings for a human. Just as i was thinking she screamed , startling me. Whats wrong? I asked, just a nightmare she said breathing hard. Well tell me about it.

It was a image of you killing my parents and then you came to me and ...... Killed me. She started crying. I would never kill you darling i just like to watch you suffer. She looked like she like she was about to cry again which she did.

The next day i left out early while she was sleep to buy her a outfit because we were going out for the day. So i went to the mall to pick her out an outfit ( outfit at the top) once i got back i went in the room to find her awake staring out the window. Go take a shower and wear this.

I handed her the outfit. Once she was done showering we headed out. I was taking her to a cabin so we could take a break. When we were in the car she asked me what month it was. September i said. She nearly jumped out of her seat. What day she asked.

The fifth, why are u asking me. Well its just that my birthday is in two days and i missed a lot of school she said. After that conversation the rest of the ride was silence.When we arrived she looked confused.

We walked to the cabin with me holding her hand. When we arrived the first thing she did was plop down on the couch i grinned at her. I told her to come to the bedroom with me and she followed behind. Once we were in the room i locked the door and pushed her on the bed and now laid on top of her. Umm can you please get off of me she said sounding scared. No baby, i will never get off. She looked confused when i said baby.

Jades pov
I don't even know whats going on with him but he needs to stop. He even called me baby. Then he said something i was so shocked of what he said next "be my girl". I was speechless he wants me to be his girl and he beats on me. Well guess what he said with a chuckle. Then whispered in my ear "you have no choice", he said with a grin. Then he started kissing on me and made his way down to my neck which made me shiver. I love you Jade he said. I just laid there not saying anything. I said i love you jade! He said sounding pissed.

I love you too i said with a tear coming down on my cheek. Then he stayed on top of me and drifted to sleep. He was really heavy on me. I tried pushing him off but it was no use.
I couldn't believe i would be sixteen in two days with no sweet sixteen but it wasn'tk like i was going to get a party back at home at if my abusive parents were alive. I felt sleepy and fell asleep with him on top of me still.

Trevors pov

I woke up with me on top of her she looked like she couldn't breath while she was sleep but i hurried up and got off of her. When i was sleep i was reading her mind. Im going to take her on a picnic by the lake for her birthday i thought. I was distracted by her sitting up. "Hey beautiful".

She just smiled. I was thinking about doing something for your birthday. She still just smiled. Go change into something comfortable i told her. Right in front of me i said with a grin. She pulled out a sweatshirt and leggings. She took her shirt off and looked in pain. Thats when i forgot about what i did to her. I grabbed the first aid kit and bandaged her up. Once i was done and she put her clothes on.

I picked her up off her feet and held her in my hands cradling her while we laid in bed. She looked so confused. Baby girl I'm not going to do anything to you unless you misbehave.
She shook her head. Ok baby girl get some rest for tomorrow. I really like her new nick name baby girl.

Updated again. Yay!! Tell me what you think? Will he keep being loving to her or will he change

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