Chapter 5

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Jades p.o.v

Once he left the room i started cleaning. There wasn't much to clean at all which was good for me because i was feeling a little bit dizzy still. I was almost finished cleaning when I fell because i got too dizzy. The last thing I remember is laying on the cold hard floor then i blacked out.
I woke up to see that i was in a bed. When i turned over i could see Trevor sitting at his desk  working. Just as i was about to close my eyes Trevor came over and said "i know your awake". So i got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Once i was in there i looked in the mirror.

Man my brown hair was messy i looked like a wreck. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked out of the bathroom. Once i walked out i was tackled to the floor. "Ahh! Get off of me!" "No i can do whatever i want with you, you are my slave," he said. He unzipped his pants and took his pants off then his shirt.

he got off of me and told me to take my clothes off. "No I will never take my clothes of for you," i blurted out. "Oh yes you will," he said with a grin. Then he pulled me by my hair and ripped my shirt and pants off. he dragged me to the bathroom and locked the door. He turned the shower on and told me to get in. I had no other  choice. So i took my underwear and bra off and stepped in.

Man did those wounds hurt under the warm water. He stepped in front of me naked. I closed my eyes and tried to cover myself up. "Turn around now."I slowly turned with my eyes still closed. "Open your eyes ," he said. I opened my eyes but kept them on his face. Then he started washing up like i wasn't even there. Gross!

Once he was done he took shampoo and scrubbed my hair i tried backing up but i was already out of space to move back anymore. I couldn't take this anymore I bursted out crying while he was still washing my body. This is so uncomfortable.

Once the shower is over he hands me a laced bra and panties. Then i large shirt and some basketball shorts. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and sat into a corner and cried. I was interrupted by a growl from my stomach. I haven't eaten in days. "You would be able to eat if you behaved,"he said. "Wait he just read my mind. CREEP!" Now i cant even keep my thoughts to myself.

"Go down and make me dinner." "Yes master what would you like," I said through my sob. "I want steak with mash potatoes and corn. Also i want blood but fresh blood from you," he said with a smirk. I hurried and rushed put of his room to make him dinner. When i went down there i pulled  out all of the ingredients for dinner.

Once i was done i carried the tray of food up to him. Dang it i forgot the blood. I sat the tray in front of him and rushed out of the room to get the blood. Once i came back i sat it next to his food. I stood in the corner waiting for my next chore. I fell asleep just standing there for a second but i hurried and woke myself up. He was eating like a pig. I guess i can cook because if I didn't know how to back at home i wouldn't be eating. My parents never cooked for me.

Once he was finished he called me over. "Yes master ," i said with my voice shaky. "Tilt your head." "Why master." "Because i said so." I didn't want to so i backed into the corner and prayed to God that this nightmare would be over.

His eyes went red, his fangs came out, and to me he got even taller and stronger looking. Thats only because im short and weak. Each step he takes towards me i step back until i hit the wall. He slams me across the room then picks me up by my neck. He throws me again then in quick speed he runs to me and once again bites my neck.

This time not stopping he keeps going and keeps going to the point were it feels like I don't have anymore energy left in my body. I give up on screaming and he keeps goings putting his fangs deeper in my neck. Finally i give up and pass out once again.

Trevors  p.o.v
I kept drinking  her blood it was so delicious. I kept going and didn't even realize that she blacked out again. All I could think of was getting to drink her blood ever day. The other human slaves I had were weird but this one, this one is just amazing. Once i was finished i took my fangs out of her neck and licked the wound.Then i let her drop to the ground. I wipe my mouth off and crawled into bed and feel asleep.

Jades p.o.v

I woke up on the floor. It was really cold and I couldn't move a muscle. It felt like all the energy was being sucked out of me again. I just laid there until i was ready to move. Then he got out of the bed and changed into a polo shirt and some pants and left. I was left there on the cold, hard floor alone. Just as i was about to fall asleep.

Somebody came into the room i looked up to see a boy my age. "Are you okay?" "Im fine." i felt someone carrying me bridal style out of the room into another. "Well this is my room and my name is Tyler. I'm Trevor's younger brother, and you are?"

"Im Jade and I'm your brothers slave." Oh well when was the last time you ate you don't look to good." Um i don't know ." "Well i can grab you some food and one more thing, how old are you?" "Im fifteen."

"Oh well I'm sixteen."! he walked out of the room. Five minutes later he came back with pancakes and bacon. "Thank you for helping me," I said with a small smile. "No problem beautiful."

New chapter!! Also i did change Brians name into Trevor because I didn't like the name for some reason. I will update again sooner or later😊 (pic of tyler up top)

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