Chapter 4

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Trevor p.o.v

I should have never hurt her so bad but she deserved it. I drag her helpless body onto the bed and laid next to her.  A Hour later i see her moving then her eyes open up wide but before she screams she closes her mouth. I think she sees that i don't play and that im true about the punishing.

Jades P.o.v
I woke up to see him by me i was about to scream but i dont feel like getting beat again. Once i look at the time its five minutes before eight. So with all the pain on my back, arms, and legs from the whip i got up in pain. I probably showed it in my face to but right now I really didn't care.

I walked out of his room and found my way to the kitchen. There was a young lady that looked around twenty or so i walked in the kitchen I grabbed eggs and bacon and pancake batter  I hurried up in cooked everything.

I had a little help from the lady then i had his tray in my hands with the food i cooked and some red liquid in a bag. Thats weird. I hurry up to his room because theres one minute left till eight. Once i was at his door I knocked it was eight o clock I made it.

I felt relieved then he told me to walk in and i did he was sitting up in his bed and i sat the tray of food then i stood back in the corner. I can still feel my wounds bleeding then i fill this sting of pain in all my wounds everywhere on my body and I collapse to the floor. Once is done hurting i stood up fast so i don't get into any trouble.

Trevor p.o.v

When she handed me the food and blood i started eating like a pig. Man she can cook. I was just about to start on a pancake when i heard a big thump. She feel to the ground and tried to touch her wounds on her back. Then she stood up fast. I continued to eat.

Once I was done i told her to come and grab the plate and sit it on the desk. She looked like she was about to fall out but before she did I grabbed her and carried her to the bathroom and set her on the counter then i put cream on her wounds and wrapped them up in bandages.

Once i was finished i gave her a different shirt some pants that didn't fit her. Once  she was done i told her that she had to clean my room before i got back then i left.

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