Chapter 6

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Jades pov

As i was eating i could feel that he was staring at me but i didnt say a word and kept eating. "So i see that my brother abuses you im very sorry he does." "Oh its fine its not your fault anyways," I say looking down at my plate of food. "Well if u need me or anything just let me know and tomorrow i will bring you some of my sister clothes to wear so you dont have to wear my brother clothes."

"Ok thanks," I said with a small smile. Once i was done eating he asked me a awkward question " do you want to come and lay in bed with me. We can watch tv if you want" i slowly got up and climbed into bed then while we were in the middle of watching Jessie (which is my favorite show on disney) I felt a tight grasp around my waist to only find Tyler pulling me close to him. "Your very beautiful,"he said.

"Um, uh thanks I guess I." Another episode of jessie was about to come on when Tyler got tired of watching it and turned to Teen Titans. "Great that was my favorite episode of Jessie." We were in the middle of watching tv when Trevor busted through the door coming in my direction cursing under his breathe.

My heart started beating really fast. Thats when i was pulled by my hair of the bed out of the door. "Ow ow ow can you stop pulling my hair!" He looked down at me with red eyes. "I didnt do anything he came and got me out of your room,"  i said. That made him angrier and he gripped my hair tighter. Even though him pulling my hair really hard i managed to turn around and kick him were the sun don't shine.

Once i did that he kneeled down in pain yelling, "you stupid human!", and i started running as fast as i could. I made my way to the door. This is my chance to escape. I ran out into the woods. I stopped to catch my breathe and kept going then i heard him."Jade come out and your punishment wont be so bad."

I hid in a bush and held my breathe which was my most stupidest move because he found me his fist were ready to punch, his eyes were blackish reddish color , and his fangs were out. Im dead is all i kept saying in my mind. "Wait!" I screamed out.

"before you kill me i just want to say that im sorry for whatever i have done,"I said with my head down then this time he was holding me by my neck and his grip got tighter causing me not to breathe then with his vampire speed we were in his room.

He was still chocking i saw a tear make it down to my check then on to his hand. He threw me and the wall. I tried to breathe but was struggling. Then he came and started kicking me all over my body.

Then he threw punches. For some reason he wasnt paying attention so i limbed to the door and out into the hall sprinting towards the door again but was stop by my ankle. I twisted it while running.

I screamed from it. The i see him with a grin and dragged me by my hair up to his room. He must love dragging me by my hair. Then once we in there he closed the door and was beating on me again. He kicked my head and i blacked out.

(Jades pov still)

When i woke up the next day i looked around the room and he was there on his bed with his phone. "Its about time you woke up," he said with a smirk. "How long have i been sleep," i asked. "Three days," he says not even caring. "Three freaking days!"

I couldn't move at all my body was still in pain. I tried lifting my head off the floor but it hurt so bad. I could use some blood right now and i want yours. I had no choice this time because i was in to much of pain.

He slowly walked up to me with his fangs sticking out while he bit into my neck. Once he was done he got off me and sat on the edge if the bed. "Go get me some clothes from my closet and ill have my sister bring you some clothes so you can do your job today."

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