Chapter 11

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Jades pov

We were at the house again and his siblings came back. Trevor was holding on to my waits as they walked in. You and my brother would be a cute couple, she giggled. I blushed a little. We went to the kitchen and i cooked some lunch for everyone. They sat down and ate while i cleaned the kitchen up. Babe come sit down and eat with us. I didn't say we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Yes we are and theirs nothing you can do about that, he said with a grin. You do know that dad wants you to marry Courtney, said his little brother. Yeah i know but i want to be with Jade. Tyler just shrugged and continued eating. Oh yeah by the way dad wants you to stop by with Jade. Ugh what time did he say. Any time it doesn't matter. Well we should go now. I made my way upstairs with my crutches to put some makeup on a purple high low dress, and some flats. I hated to wear heels because it hurt my feet. He came out with a black v neck t shirt with some short, and adidas sneakers on. Are you ready he said. Yes i crutched out but he stopped. Do you want that bulky cast off. Yeah , its annoying to me. He bit into his wrist and said drink it. O shook my head theres no way im drinking blood. Just drink it he sighed. I drank it. Disgusting! Now sit for a minute. I sat and he used his strength to pry the cast off. Try to walk. When i first started walking i felt pain but it left i was still wobbly though. He carried me to the car and off we were to his parents house.

We arrived their and in front of me was a huge white mansion. It was amazing. We got into the house to see a man and women sitting in huge chairs with crowns on. Are they like a queen and king? Mom, dad , this is Jade. Hello i said with a wave. His dad flung up from his seat and before i knew i was pinned up to the wall not even on my feet. Then he bit right into my neck. His was more painful then Trevor's. I was to weak by now to keep my eyes open. I only seen Trevor with red eyes trying to pry his dad off of me. I kept my eyes open for a little more then he dropped me. WE ARE NEVER COMING BACK AND I DONT EVER WANT TO SEE YOU, said Trevor . He picked me up and walked out. I snuggled up against his chest not opening my eyes because all the energy was drained from me. Im sorry babe are you ok. I shook my head and feel asleep.

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