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I dashed to my daughter’s room, clumsily bumping anyone I passed. When I reached her room, what I saw broke my heart.

Lizzie had a lot of tubes and other devices on both her arms. Her skin looked whiter than the sheets she’s lying in, yet she still smiled weakly as I entered. Each step I took felt like I was walking through fire. My heart burned with each step. I sat down beside her and took her hand.

“Hey Papa” she smiled.

“Hello my little Fern” I croaked, trying my best to hold back my tears.

“I’m sorry”. I hushed her, she kept talking anyway.

“Papa, all I ever wanted was to be a daughter you can be proud of. I’m sorry if this is all I can do…”.

“Don’t say that, Lizzie…”. I was crying.

She placed a gentle hand on my cheek.

“Don’t cry, Papa. Especially because of me. That’s the last thing I wanted”.

I couldn’t speak.

“Papa, when I die, I want to wear a special dress. AJ made it for me. I also want to have a garland of ferns and yellow roses on my head”.

It was difficult to hear her talk like this. Her voice was so hoarse.

“Mama and I will be together now, Papa. Now two of us will be watching you from above. I’ll miss you, Papa. I will always be your daughter”.


“Papa…”. She closed her eyes.

“Tell me you’re proud of me, Papa”.

“I’m proud of you my child” I managed to say in between sobs.

Her hand felt cold now and I slowly released it. I’ve never cried so much in my entire life. I felt like my life was taken from me.

My daughter was my life…and now she’s gone.

Elizabeth FernTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon