His Butler, Able (part 2)

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What's up guys! By the way, the picture above is Mey-Rin, Bard, and Finny. So, we left off right after Mr. Damian's game piece landed on the space with a man burning at the stake. Claire was wondering if all the meetings are usually that way: Ciel ignoring the person while they play a game. Anyway...back to the story.


All of a sudden, Sebastian entered the room. "Pardon the interruption, but dinner is served", he said. Mr. Damian looked over at him with a smile.

"Oh, dining out in that exquisite stone garden." The man turned to Ciel. "Shall we go, my lord?"

"Very well. We'll finish the game later", Ciel said. The man was rising from his seat, but quickly sat back down with a nervous smile.

"Oh. Is there any real need to finish it? It's obvious I'm going to lose", he said.

Ciel rose from his seat. "I'm not in the habit of abandoning games half way through." Ciel walked towards the door and the man took on a look of anger and looked down. He was mumbling.

"How childish." Ciel turned to the man. It was obvious he had heard what was said. The man realized Ciel had heard him. Sweat dripped from under his eye on the side of his face. He quickly corrected himself. "Uh, I...I mean sometimes it takes a child's eyes, to see what's really important. It's a true gift. Maybe that's what's made the Phantomhive's the nation's for most toy makers. It certainly impresses me."

I looked over at Sebastian and noticed he was giving the man a death stare, like Ciel, only worse. Ciel turned to me and made sure I was looking before speaking.

"Claire. Come." He motioned for me to follow. I hurried over and followed closely behind him. Sebastian lead the two men outside. I looked at the stone garden.

It's so elegant. Maybe that's why they did it.

I looked back at Ciel, watched, and listened as the dinner went on.

"On tonight's menu is a dish of finely sliced raw beef donburi, courtesy of our chef, Baldroy", Sebastian said. Ciel and the man looked shocked.

"A pile of raw beef. And this is dinner?", the man asked.

"Yes, but surely you have heard of it. This, good sir, is a traditional japanese delicacy. A dish offered as a sign of gratitude to someone who has accomplished important work. That is the wonder of donburi", Sebastian explained dramatically. "This is a token from our master, to show his thanks for all your hard work on the company's behalf. He wanted you to know that it's much appreciated."

The man sunk down in his chair. It seemed he was feeling guilty for something. I looked over and noticed Finny, Bard, and Tanaka sitting in some tall grass in the garden. It seemed like they were spying on the dinner.

"Now, that's our Sebastian for you", Finny said in awe.

"He saved the day", Bard said. Tanaka quietly laughed. The man sat up straight with a smile.

"Excellent! What an inspired idea! The legendary Phantomhive hospitality in action!", the man said. Ciel was eating quietly while I stood just behind, and to the right a little, of his chair. I looked over and saw Mey-Rin standing behind a cart by Sebastian.

"The vintage we are pouring tonight was specially selected to compliment the flavor of soy sauce. Mey-Rin." Sebastian cued for her to pour the man a cup of the vintage, but she stood there smiling. "Now, Mey-Rin."

"Yes, sir!", she said. Sebastian leaned in to whisper something and she turned red. "Of course! Yes, sir!"

I looked back over to the bushes and noticed that the boys didn't look happy at all.

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