His Butler, Competing (part 1)

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The Queen herself had just arrived at the already crowded Crystal Palace and the curry contest was about to start, but we kept our guards up. The Queen was in all black, a black veil even covering her face, with a young man in all white with white hair and violet eyes beside her.

"My word!", the announcer exclaimed. "Her Majesty Queen Victoria, mother of England, has favored us with her honored presence!" Victoria began walking forward as the crowd whispered among themselves.

"It's Her Majesty..."

"I can't believe she really came!"

"She seems to have lost quite a bit of weight..."

At that moment, Lord Druitt stood from his seat and began singing. "God save our gracious Queen", he began and we all joined in.

"Long live our noble Queen. God save the Queen! Send her victorious. Happy and glorious. Long to reign over us. God save the Queen!" Looking around, I realized that Bard, Lau, Ran-Mao, and Sebastian were not singing. Lau had even opened his eyes to reveal their dark color in what almost looked like a glare aimed at the Queen. By the end of the song, she had been escorted to a throne-like chair in the corner by the white haired man. He bent down to hear the Queen speak for a moment before standing up straight again.

"Her Majesty bids me tell you,'I apologize for my inability to appear before you for so long. However, I am now in such perfect health that I may even enjoy curry again. My late husband Albert was very fond of curry as well. I look forward to examining the fruits of your labors.'", the man said. The crowd immediately erupted into cheers.

"And with that, allez cuisine!", the announcer called, starting the contest.

~~Hana's POV~~

I had followed Soma to a fountain away from the crowd. He was sitting at its edge and he was obviously still thinking about what happened with Mina only a little bit earlier. The cheers of the crowd could be heard in the distance and he looked towards its direction.

"So it's started?", he asked. He looked back down and slumped.

"Yes. But cheer up. Everything will be all right", I tried to assure. He didn't respond, but all I could do was try.

~~Claire's POV~~

The contest had started and Agni was throwing spices in his curry left and right.

"By Jove!", a man in the crowd exclaimed. "That Indian's right hand is like an independent creature!"

"And what a lovely smell!", the woman beside him added. Mr. West laughed.

"This is the Godly Right Hand of Kali!", he said. "I should win handily--" The crowd 'ooh'ed and all attention was drawn to Sebastian. Just like Agni, Sebastian was also throwing in spices left and right like a professional.

"Funtom is amazing, too!", a man said.

"And the smell is just as good!", the man in front of him said, pumping a fist into the air. Mr. West looked down in worry.

"I say, what is he doing?!", another man exclaimed, pointing to Sebastian. Sebastian was breaking off pieces of a chocolate bar and dropping it into the curry.

"Don't tell me that's... chocolate?!"

"Chocolate in curry?"

"What is he thinking?"


Mr. West smirked while laughing in triumph upon hearing the crowd's reaction. "Just what I'd expect from Funtom, the confectionery!", he laughed. "What unconventional publicity!" Ciel remained straight faced.

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