His Butler, However You Please (part 2)

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"You're...!", Ciel said.

"I'm a more deadly efficient butler than I look!", Grell said. "Though I am currently without a master..." Grell jumped down from the roof and landed in front of us. "After the Madam Red incident I was temporarily demoted, and now I'm a lowly assistant. That brute Will told me he won't give me my old post back until I collect some truly troublesome souls! That rotten sadist! Though it's true that food tastes better when it's a little rotten... And those cold eyes do give me a thrill! But this boy's roughness is very nice, too." Ciel glared at Grell. "Dear me. Were you planning to avenge your beloved aunt and do something about what happened to your little girlfriend?" Grell looked at me as I nervously hid my hands. He smirked. "Ah, so the rumor going around is true. The most powerful of Shinsetsu's children is awakening. I'd be careful, missy. If that power of yours becomes unbalanced, it'll be like your extremely sick or something." I looked at him in shock and confusion. He sighed. "Your hands. That's what I'm talking about." My confusion faded as I just looked shocked.

"Shut up", Ciel said plainly, a little angered. Grell smiled and got back to his original topic.

"I don't see Sebas-Chan here. What can a little brat like you do?", Grell asked before looking at me again. "You know, your mother and siblings and you weren't even supposed to exist."

"Shut up!", Ciel said angrily as he glared at Grell. Pluto started to growl.

"Oh, is he your knight tonight?", Grell asked. "Why does this nipper get all the good-looking men?" Pluto barked and jerked these leash free from Ciel's grip as he charged forward. Grell squealed happily. "Ah, he's going to attack!" He opened his arms wide. "At least be gentle!" Pluto ran right past him, followed by Ciel and I. "Hey... Well, I never!" We followed Pluto down many back streets until we saw his destination. It was a little shop with dolls and lamps and things in the window. The doll in the window looked exactly like Elizabeth.

"Lizzie!", Ciel called, but stopped as he heard Grell.

"To-Die list, number 493: butler and puppeteer to the house of Mandalay, Drossel Keinz", he said. We heard glass break all of a sudden and ran to the store. Pluto had broken through the window. We ran into the store and Pluto ran up to Ciel and put the doll in his mouth into Ciel's hands.

"This is...", Ciel started. Ciel looked at the doll in angered horror. The doll had a ribbon on its waist and it was the very ribbon Lizzie had been wearing in her hair that morning. I felt a small breeze and saw an opened door. As I walked towards it, Ciel ran past me and outside. When I caught up, I saw a mansion. Ciel glared at it.

Ciel is really worried about Lizzie. He really does love her... But is it a cousinly love or something more?

"Goodness, what a delightful estate", Grell said. Ciel looked at Grell as if he was making an important decision. Then he looked up at the mansion.

"Grell. Protect us", he said suddenly.

"What?", Grell asked.

"I'll grant you any request", Ciel said.

"Don't be insulting. I'm not the sort of cheap girl you can just pay--" Ciel smirked as he interrupted Grell.

"I'll give you leave to do whatever you wish with Sebastian for a day", Ciel said.

"Hmm? Whatever I wish with Sebas-Chan means...", Grell started before his face lit up. "I can even kiss him?!"

"Do as you like", Ciel said awkwardly.

"W-With tongue?!", Grell asked.

"Whatever you order him to do", he replied. Grell squealed.

"Suddenly my Fired-Up Meter is maxed out! I'm deadly serious!", Grell said. He lead us to the doors and opened them. "Alright, here we go!" We stopped as we saw a girl with dull eyes standing in the center of the room, as if on display. We ran up to her. "Oh, my. Doesn't that ring look awfully like yours?" We looked down and noticed the ring on the girl. Ciel looked at the girl as he seemed to realize something before her eyes moved to look down at us and she grabbed Ciel by the throat before we could even blink. Next thing I know, my throat is in her other hand as she looks at us emotionlessly.

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