His Butler, Transmitted (part 2)

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~~Claire's POV~~

Angela held me tightly against my will as we saw the cult members mourning over the death of their leader and worriedly whispering the same question. What would they do now.

"You don't have to feel sad", she called them, causing them to look up at the window with wide eyes. "Because the time has come for the coffins to serve their purpose." She appeared before them in front of the stain glass angel window, surrounded by light while still restraining me to the point I couldn't speak or move. I looked around at the crowd frantically, searching for help of some kind. I may have had powers, but they were no use on the binds of an angel with the little experience I had.

"A-An angel?!", I saw the nun from before say as she looked at us in shock. "A-And one of the visitors?!" The entire crowd was in awe at the sight. Angela spread her wings.

"Yield everything to me", she said to them. It was a command, but there was nothing threatening about it to them as she floated to the ground and stood in front of the coffin and the light around her disappeared. "And give me your thoroughly sullied Doomsday Books that will never record the future!"

I tried to resist the binds, but they burned a little with every movement, so I tried to plead with the crowd not to do it with my eyes. Not that anyone was looking at me enough to tell.

~~Ciel's POV~~

Grell pulled and pulled on the door that was the way out, but it wouldn't budge. Sebastian, William, and I watched him.

"It won't open!", he half whined.

"Good grief", Will sighed. "It would seem we're trapped."

"Trapped?!", I said. "That damn angel has the love of my life, in case you haven't noticed!! There has to be some way out of here to get to her!"

A slight shaking was heard from where Undertaker stood in front of the bookshelves calmly. I turned and saw him look up at a book with a darker spine than the rest of the books as it shook. That is, until it flew off the shelf and onto the ground. The latch fell loose and the book turned itself to a page that wasn't finished yet. By now, the others had noticed, too, and Will went to the book and picked it up.

"This is...", he began. "The Cinematic Record of someone in that abbey."

"The abbey?", Grell asked as Will read.

"I see", Will said as he read. "'An angel of massacre descends on the abbey on the outskirts of Preston with a bound young girl.'" My eyes widened.

"An angel of massacre? A bound young girl? That has to be Angela and Claire!", I said.

~~Claire's POV~~

"All you who have gathered here are impure souls", Angela said to the now visibly pained crowd. They all appeared to be in awful physical pain. "Souls who lean on honeyed words, who lean on God, who have given up writing the future with their own hands." It appeared the crowd was choking as they held their throat areas. "Snuff out the unfruitful. Snuff out the unnecessary. Snuff out the unclean!" She turned to me and smirked. "Let's start with you!"

She gripped my throat and held me in the air, restricting my airway.

"This creature is a monster, a mistake who should've never been born! A disgrace who committed a dreadful sin!!", she announced to all that were listening. She brought my face close to hers. "Tell me, how does it feel to know that someone you so dearly loved died by your hands? And that many more could because of you?"

My eyes widened. I didn't want to acknowledge it. I never have wanted to acknowledge it. Ever.

~~Ciel's POV~~

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