His Butler, Transmitted (part 1)

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I heard my name being called.


I was light. Was I floating?

"Ciel Phantomhive."

I finally opened my eyes. All I saw was fog and that I was in fact floating. I looked around and, in the fog, I saw pieces of film.

"This is your past", the voice I had been hearing informed. I could tell the voice belonged to Angela. I was still a bit hazy, but I could tell. "Some things shine brightly, and some are steeped in fathomless darkness."

Slowly, I reached out towards the film pieces.

"I see, so that's the past you choose", she said as I reached towards one. My hand began to go through the film as the piece began to glow brightly.

When I was able to see again, I was surrounded by fire. I was able to see a figure in a chair amongst the fire.

"Father!", I called. I was about to run towards him when I saw a other figure standing beside him. This one was a woman with wings. Angela.

Her hand was dripping with blood. I glared at her.

"You're...", I began. She was smiling as if nothing was wrong, but it still looked malicious.

She reached down and put her hands on the shoulders of the figure in the chair before lifting it's head. My eyes widened when I saw what she had done to the figure. My parents. Pieces of their heads were sown together to make one head, the same as the rest of the body. Pieces of each one were present all over. I covered my mouth with my hands as I gagged at the sight.

~~Claire's POV~~

Grell, Sebastian, and I appeared in a location unknown to me.

"Where is the young master?", Sebastian asked immediately. I nodded in agreement with his question as Grell seemed to panic when he saw where we were. We turned in the direction he was facing and saw a huge building that almost blended in with the sky.

"This is the Grim Reaper Library!", Grell exclaimed. "That's where the Cinematic Records are kept."

At Grell's words, we began making our way to the huge building. Once we made it to the door, Sebastian opened it only to have a pincher of sorts come straight at us. Sebastian stepped aside while I took cover behind the door and Grell was barely able to lean back to dodge. Once it retracted, I stepped out from behind the door.

As suspected, Will was just across the room and the pincher of sorts was his death scythe.

"Ah, it is you... I knew I smelled something unpleasant", he said, directing his comment towards Sebastian.

"Will!", Grell said as he ran in.

"To think a demon would have the nerve to set foot in our territory...", Will continued.

"Will, wait! I'm looking for the Doomsday Books on your orders!", Grell said.

"Honestly...", Will sighed. "A grim reaper, willingly inviting such vermin here?" Will looked over at Grell. "Grell Sutcliff, you appear to want a further demotion." Grell stiffened and then slumped inwards a little. He snipped his scissor death scythes a few times as he spoke.

"Wh-What will it be this time?", he asked nervously.

"Exterminating vermin is all well and good, but are you sure you ought to let your lice infestation go unchecked?", Sebastian asked as all eyes went to him. Will stiffened before glaring to the side.

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