His Butler, However You Please (part 1)

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I woke up and tended to Ciel as I always did and we were going up the stairs. My siblings were waiting to begin their what you could call lessons at the bottom of the stairs, even though we had all been taught most of the things they were learning from a young age. Suddenly, the door burst open. We stopped and looked back in time to see Lizzie running across the huge room towards Ciel. Our eyes widened. "Ciel!", she called. He turned around fully.

"Lizzie?!", he said and she grabbed his arms and spun him around like a rag doll. When she was finally done, she placed a box in his hand with a smile.

"Here, this is for you. Hurry up and open it, won't you?", she asked. He looked at the red colored box and went to pull the pink ribbon, his ring glistening. As he pulled the ribbon, Lizzie grabbed his wrist and looked at the ring. "But I broke this! How..."

"Oh, Sebastian repaired it", Ciel said. She moved her gaze to Ciel.

"What? But it was chipped! And I don't see any cracks...", she said.

"Yes. A Phantomhive butler who can't do this much--"

"...isn't worth his salt", Ciel finished Sebastian's sentence. Sebastian bowed.

"Quite, my lord", he said. Lizzie released Ciel and stepped back.

"I see... Sebastian fixed it...", Lizzie said. She almost sounded sad and disappointed.

"My lady...", Paula says worriedly as she got closer.

"What do you have in that box, Lady Elizabeth?", Sebastian asked. I noticed my siblings trying to get my attention from behind Lizzie at the bottom of the stairs. I looked at them and Kireina lifted her left hand and pointed to her ring finger while motioning to Lizzie with her head, basically asking if that was Ciel's fiancé Lizzie. I nodded slightly and they all looked a little shocked.

"Er, um, it's a secret!", she said and frantically snatched the box away.

"Didn't you just say you were giving it to me?", Ciel asked the question we were all thinking. Lizzie smiled.

"That was a feint", she said.

"'Feint'?', he asked.

"No proper lady would try to win her gentleman with material things!", she said. "That's disgraceful! Now, Paula, ring the bells!"

"Y-Yes, my lady!", Paula said and pulled out some jingle bells. "Jingle, jingle!" She rung the bells.

"Well, then, good afternoon!", Lizzie said as she waved then grabbed Paula and ran out faster than she had ran in.

"So...what did Lizzie come here for?", Ciel asked.

"The box looked like a present to me. Isn't your birthday tomorrow?", I asked. He nodded after a moment of hesitation.

"Well, young master? Why not hold a birthday party?", Sebastian asked. He looked at a certain pillar and I followed his gaze. "After all, it seems there are others who wish to celebrate you, too." Finny, Mey-Rin, Bard, and Tanaka ducked back behind the pillar and then slowly peeked back out. Ciel looked deep in thought.

"My birthday...", he said and trailed off before turning to go up the stairs.

"Young master?", Sebastian called.

"This is nonsense. Bring tea to my room", he said.

"Very good, my lord", Sebastian said.

<Time Skip>

Ciel had sent me on an errand in the manor. I was to retrieve a new pen from one of the other rooms in the manor for him. As I was walking around looking for a pen, I couldn't help but think about how Ciel was still engaged to Lizzie, but also romantically involved with me. Lizzie was there this morning, but he hadn't said anything.

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