His Butler, Forlorn (part 2)

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We went into the tower and started running up the winding stairs. We stopped in front of a door in the hallway at the top of the stairs. Sebastian approached it and looked to Ciel. Ciel nodded and Sebastian opened the door. We walked inside and saw doll parts, paints, and other things to make life sized dolls. I noticed Lizzie in a chair against a wall. "Lizzie!", Ciel called and ran to her. He must've noticed, too. Her hair was hiding her eyes and her hands were in her lap. I followed Ciel to her and looked at her. "Lizzie..." He gripped her shoulders. "Lizzie!" I saw an unnatural shine to her cheeks.

"It looks like we were a little too late", Grell said.

"No...", Ciel whispered. He started shaking her. "Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie!"

He really does love her...

Then, her eyes slowly opened. She looked up at him. "Hmm...?", she asked.

"Lizzie... Thank goodness", Ciel said. He placed his hands over his own chest, likely to calm himself. She looked at his hands.

"The ring...", she said. Ciel pulled his left hand away from his chest in confusion and was reminded of the second ring on his thumb. She smiled softly. "So you were pleased... Ciel..." Ciel gasped in realization as he realized what had been in the box earlier that day.

"Then this was her gift for you", Sebastian said.

"But it's foolish. Why would you give me...", Ciel trailed off. I heard a strange sound and saw Lizzie's hands lift. I noticed a basically invisible string.

"A string...?", I whispered. Ciel seemed to notice too.

"Yes, why?", a familiar voice asked. Lizzie was lifted into the air. Unlike the other dolls, she had emotion on her face. "Why does her body move independent of her will?" We looked around for the source of the voice, Drossel. "And..." A weapon went flying towards Lizzie and she caught it in her hands. "Why does she hurt the one she loves?" Her eyes widened.

"Elizabeth!", Ciel called. She lifted the weapon, basically an axe on a longer rod, and swung it down.

"No!", she said. Sebastian grabbed Ciel and pulled him out of the way and she wasn't aiming for me. She kept trying to hit Ciel. "No! No! No!" Sebastian continued to dodge with Ciel in his arms.

"Grell. You can see this too, can't you?", he asked.

"I suppose. But I might chip my blades, so...", he trailed off. Sebastian caught Lizzie's weapon by its rod in his hand to stop the blow. He smiled at Grell.

"Please", he said. Grell smiled.

"Oh, Sebas-Chan! You're asking me for something?", he asked. "In that case, during the kiss, can there be... can there be tongue?!" Sebastian glared at him.

"I haven't the faintest idea what you mean, but in fact, I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue", he said.

"Oh, yes!", Grell squealed. Then, Grell was beside Lizzie. "It's unforgivable for a little girl like you to have a better blade than me."

"Stop, Grell!", Ciel called, but he had already cut. Lizzie fell to the floor and Ciel fell to his knees beside her. "Elizabeth..." Sebastian looked down at her and picked up a string that was basically invisible while Ciel just looked shocked.

"It's a puppet string", he said. Ciel looked back and forth between the string and Elizabeth.

"This sharp cut only comes with a death scythe. Well, Sebas-Chan?", Grell asked. "I'm amazing, aren't I? Compliment me, compliment me!"

"Good for you. Not just anyone would run with scissors", Sebastian said.

"Oh, I'm flattered to death!", Grell said. Sebastian looked up.

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