His Butler, Merrymaking (part 2)

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~~Claire's POV~~

The next day, Ciel had told me to stay with Bard, Finny, Mey-Rin, and Tanaka for the day. Bard, Finny, Mey-Rin, and I were sitting outside and the others seemed to be disappointed.

"What a horrible trip", Bard said gloomily.

"Yes, yes", Mey-Rin agreed. That's when Sebastian approached us.

"What's the matter?", he asked. We all looked up at him. "You were so enthusiastic on the drive here."

"Yeah, well...", Bard started. Sebastian looked at us all with a smile. It was kind of creepy.

"Have you forgotten? We came to a resort", he said cheerfully and held up a picnic basket and a male swimsuit. We all looked at him happily.

Bard and Finny ushered Mey-Rin and I into a little changing room each and told us to change into a swimsuit while they changed and started swimming. Not long after being shoved into the little room, I heard the splashing of water and Bard and Finny yelling happily.

"Wow, who'd've guessed it was so comfortable? The water's not even cold!", Bard exclaimed.

"You come out here too, Mey-Rin! Claire!", Finny shouted. I heard the curtains in the room next to mine move a little.

"I can't, it's just too embarrassing, yes!", Mey-Rin said.

"Chances like this don't come every day! Hurry up and get in! You too, Claire!", Bard said. I heard Mey-Rin sigh while Bard and Finny continued to splash water at each other. I heard them gasp after I heard Mey-Rin step out of the room.

"I-I'm so embarrassed, yes", Mey-Rin said.

"You look great, Mey-Rin!", Finny said.

"Really?!", she asked.

"I bet you'd look even better without your glasses", Bard said.

"N-No, no!", she said and then I heard the splashing of water.

"You won't bathe, young master?", I heard Sebastian say. I could hear everything from that room it seemed. "Ah, that's right. You-"

"Just being able to bathe in this season isn't much of a selling point for a health resort", Ciel said, interrupting Sebastian.

"Do you truly intend to make this place a resort?", Sebastian asked.

"Naturally", Ciel said.

"What about the demon hound?", Sebastian asked.

"I'm sure you've caught on to its true form as well. Come here a moment", Ciel said. All of a sudden, I heard Finny call out Angela's name from the water and then Sebastian spoke.

"Yes, my lord. I shall do it right away", he said and I heard footsteps.

"You're awfully motivated. I thought you hated dogs?", Ciel said.

"Yes, I do. So I'd like to wrap this up as quickly as possible. Before everything goes to hell", Sebastian responded. That's when I heard a group of footsteps approaching my changing room.

"Claire, come out!", Finny called. I had already changed, but I really didn't want to come out.

"No. I'd rather not", I said.

"Come on out, Claire. I'm sure it's not that bad, yes", Mey-Rin said.

"No. It is that bad. I'm not coming out", I said.

"If you don't come out, we're coming in!", Bard said. I sighed, giving in, and hesitantly stepped out. My swimsuit was a two piece. The bottoms were black and white and looked almost like a skirt. The top was black and white too. As soon as I stepped out, everyone went silent and their smiles faded. I knew exactly what they were looking at and it made me look at my feet uncomfortably.

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