His Butler, Up In Flames (part 1)

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~~Third Person POV~~

Tanaka wrote in his log book as follows:

This is the second fire we've had since I began serving the Phantomhives. All I can do is document the story of this mansion. That is my role. However...

Tanaka closed the book.

"I suppose that is over now", Tanaka said allowed. He looked up at the room. It's ceiling was burnt to where only the main structure barely remained. It's walls were mostly burnt and very little of them remained. The door was half burnt and rubble littered the floor. He opened the door, walked out, and closed it again before he began making his way down the hallway as he usually would.

~~Claire's POV~~

"Strong wind today, eh?"

"Aye, and it ain't natural how warm it is either. We may see rough waters tonight."

"I hope we get to London soon..."

That was the conversation between two men as they walked past us. Ciel and I were hidden between crates as stowaways. Ciel relaxed after they had passed, but we both tensed when we heard something behind us and turned around to see Undertaker, smiling.

"Found you, my lord", he said.

"Undertaker?!", Ciel and I exclaimed. We looked around a bit before stepping out of our hiding spot. Undertaker offered a jar with what looked like dog biscuits in it. I heard Ciel's stomach rumble in hunger before he went to reach for a biscuit. However, Undertaker pulled the jar away and ate a biscuit himself, irritating Ciel.

After a bit, Undertaker gave Ciel and I the jar and we sat on a crate while Undertaker explained how he was on the ship we were on as we ate.

"See, that fussy bloke Will captured me...", he explained. Ciel ate biscuit after biscuit while I ate some, but not as fast. "Apparently he'll be shorthanded in the London area, so he roped me into this by promising to waive my library fines."

"The London area?", Ciel asked.

"Yes, we have to collect a great many souls in London tonight", Undertaker replied. Our eyes widened.

"Look at that!"

"What is it?!"

We looked towards the commotion.

"Ah, so it's begun", Undertaker said. We made our way to where a crowd was gathered at the front of the ship and maneuvered through the crowd to see. Our eyes widened and we gasped once we saw what they were talking about. London itself was a horizon of what seemed like fire. Undertaker whistled in awe from beside us. "They certainly put on quite the show! I must be on my way." Undertaker began to walk away before Ciel turned towards him. I stayed and looked at the scene before me. The burning horizon of London.

~~Ciel's POV~~

"Wait!", I called and went to catch up to him. "Why did you come here?"

"You and I have a lot of history together", Undertaker said. "So I thought I'd give you fair warning: My lord, in just a little while..." Undertaker turned his head to look back at me. "...you will die." My eyes widened and my thoughts immediately went to Claire.

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