His Butler, Training (part 1)

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~~Ciel's POV~~

"H-Hey, he's...", I heard Bard say as Sebastian and I came running down the stairs, Angela coming down shortly after. She looked at the bloody cell with a hole in the stone wall in shock and horror.

"Lord Barrymore!", she said. Then we heard rapid pounding on the door. She turned around and we all quickly went upstairs as she opens the door, allowing a man to stumble inside and fall on his hands and knees, soaking wet.

"Th-The great demon hound!", he said.

"Demon hound?!", we all said in unison. The man only stood and ran back out of the house towards the hill. I looked around at everyone and then realized that Claire wasn't there.

"Where's Claire?", I asked. Mey-Rin stepped forward.

"She was the first one down, yes. But she ran back upstairs once she saw the scene and I haven't seen her since, no", she said. Panic started to set in. Now knowing that Houndsworth was affiliated with the cult and Warui made it even worse that no one knew where she was. I turned to Sebastian.

"Find her and bring her back to me", I said. Sebastian bowed slightly with a hand on his chest.

"Yes, my lord", he said and went off as the rest of us followed the other man to the hill. That's all I could do while waiting on Sebastian to find Claire.

~~Claire's POV~~

After I saw that scene, I couldn't handle it. It made me feel sick and I knew I had to find Lord Barrymore before something happened to him if it hadn't already. I ran through the dark, rainy night and didn't stop as I ran through the village. All of a sudden, I was pulled by the arm into a dark alleyway, pressed against the cold wall, and a hand was place over my mouth to keep me from screaming. I struggled in vain and looked to see who my attacker was. My eyes met with bright teal eyes. A rather good-looking boy with blond hair was looking at me as he held me against the wall. Reminding myself of the cold, wet wall and the fact that he was keeping me from screaming in an alleyway, it didn't matter how good-looking he was, he was still basically kidnapping or holding me against my will. I started struggling and his grip tightened.

"I would suggest you stop struggling. I'm not going to let you go so it's a waste of energy", he said. I could swear his voice sounded very familiar. I continued to struggling and he sighed. "I just have a question for you, Claire."

I looked up at him and stopped struggling.

How does he know my name?! Who is this person?!

He smirked and brought his face closer to mine. I instinctively tried to back away, only to be reminded of the wall and that he was holding me still. "You know, I've been watching you for a while now Claire. I always see you with that Eye-Patch boy too, so tell me: What do you really think of me?", he asked, keeping his face very close to mine.

Watching me?! What I think of him? I don't know him! What's going on?!

I looked at him, looking for answers as he sighed. "That's right. You probably don't remember me since it's been so long since you saw my face, although I'm sure my voice is familiar correct?", he said. I nodded and he smiled. "It's me: Kirā Kimiwaruidesu! Do you remember me now? We used to play together all the time here! Me, you, and Furenzu! When I heard you were sold to a cult by your father from your father, I wasted no time in joining the cult you were sold to! I stayed with you even if you didn't notice me watching your torture! I wanted to help you, but that was against cult rules. It was very strange when your own father took over the cult and insisted that we torture you more than the other girls there. He blames you for what happened, doesn't he? You were only five. It's not like you could have done that our done anything about it either you know. Anyway, do you remember me?!"

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