His Butler, Fluent (part 2)

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What's up guys!! Who's excited? Who's sad? This is the final chapter of You Can't Hide Forever! I've been so curious as to how you guys will react to the ending and I can't wait to find out! I decided to publish a day early because I checked the publication date of the last chapter and realized that it has been over a week.

So, here's the final chapter for you all! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!


~~Third Person POV~~

Ciel was sinking to the bottom of the river. Sebastian was swimming after him. He had wasted no time in jumping after Ciel once he had made sure Claire wouldn't jump as well. Especially considering her condition.

'You're a liar, my lord', Sebastian thought. 'You promised me you'd live until I got to zero.'

'I lied', Ciel knew. Sebastian grabbed Ciel and swam down a bit more before swimming back towards the surface.

'I won't let you die yet', Sebastian thought.

'That's right... you don't lie', Ciel knew. 'There's something I want to ask you.'

'Yes, my lord?'

'Who are you right now? What will happen to Claire now?'

'Her siblings will help her through her loss and she will always have something to remember you by. As for your other question... What a silly question. When I stand before you, I am ever and always one hell of a butler.'

Sebastian broke the surface of the water and looked at the sunrise from the opposite side of the Tower Bridge. And, at the top, a winged being could be seen faintly. "So a genuine angel completes it...", Sebastian said. "It truly is a holy gate." Looking at the figure closely, it didn't move. It was like a statue. But, at the ledge Ciel had fallen from, another figure could be seen. The figure of a girl standing at the edge. No doubt, it was Claire, mourning the death of her beloved. Sebastian would have to wait until she was gone to take a boat away.

~~Claire's POV~~

I stood on a ledge, the very ledge Ciel had let go of. I hadn't moved since he fell. I barely noticed as the sun rose. I just collapsed to my knees and sobbed harshly. I couldn't stop myself. I was gripped tightly by sorrow.

"Claire!", I heard Furenzu call out to me.

So they found me...

Furenzu ran over and wrapped his arms around me before looking around. "Claire, where are Sebastian and Ciel?", he asked. My sobs became more violent.

"Ciel–... He–... Ciel's d-dead, Furenzu!!", I cried and I felt him stiffen. "He j-just let g-go of the bridge and Sebastian j-jumped after h-him!!" My sobs were louder and more violent as I expressed my pain to the world, though it didn't even begin to describe it. Furenzu tightened his hold on me and rubbed soothing circles in my back and the others soon made it up to the top of the Tower Bridge.

"Furenzu, what's going on?!", Jihi asked worriedly. Furenzu hesitated to answer the waiting seven.

"Ciel's... dead", he told them. There were multiple gasps and more arms wrapped me in an embrace as I continued to cry.

Ciel... why did you leave me...?

Hogo picked me up out of the embrace. "We managed to finally get the fire out with the help of whatever you guys did up here", he explained. "Let's go down to the streets to help out." I didn't respond and just continued to cry as he descended the ladder with me in one arm, the others following.

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