His Butler, in an Isolated Castle (part 1)

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The sunlight was shining in through the old window as Sebastian and I entered the bedroom. Sebastian sat his tray down as I stood by and be began to pour the morning tea.

"It's time to wake up, young master", Sebastian said. This didn't feel right. None of it did.

"That is not how you should refer to me", the voice of a boy said. Sebastian turned to him and bowed his head slightly.

"My apologies...", he began. "...Your Majesty."

The eldest of the two boys in the bed sat up. He had blonde hair long enough to put in a ponytail if he wanted to while the younger boy's blonde hair was a good length as well. His eyes were blue, almost the blue of sapphires and the same color as Ciel's left eye, as he looked over at Sebastian and I with what looked like a glare. The younger boy was still sleeping beside him with an innocent little smile on his face, holding a skull close to his chest.

This was all wrong. All of it. Why had Ciel put us on the line with that stupid chess game?

<Flashback to Earlier>

"Ludlow Castle?", Ciel asked. "As I recall, we're remodeling it into a hotel." Ciel was in the bath, his hair wet and his right eye revealed for all to see, when Sebastian handed him a piece of paper. I stood off to the side, careful to keep my gaze away from where it shouldn't be, although Ciel had already told me not to be so shy since we were engaged.

"This is a petition from the builders", Sebastian said as Ciel looked over the paper. "They want to halt construction and dissolve the contract." Ciel looked up at him, over to me, and then forward again as he rose from the tub, the water flowing down his skin as gravity instructed. I averted my gaze as Sebastian put a towel around Ciel's shoulders.

I looked back at him, keeping my gaze around his chest and up, and saw him studying the paper seriously. Something on the left side of his chest, just above the end of his ribcage, caught my eye. The same mark that covered the floor of the tower, most likely the mark of the cult he was held by, was burnt into his skin.

<Time Skip>

Ciel had decided that we would go to the old castle ourselves. He, Sebastian, and I were walking through the front gate of said castle.

"What pathetic contractors!", Ciel exclaimed as he saw the barely touched castle. "Canceling construction because they're afraid of ghosts?! There's no such thing..." Ciel trailed off and glared slightly up at Sebastian.

"Is something the matter?", Sebastian asked with a smile.

"Nothing. Let's wrap this up quickly and go home", Ciel replied.


The contractors had said things about there being ghosts in the castle and I wasn't sure whether to believe them or not. I had never seen a ghost before, but demons such as Sebastian and grim reapers such as Grell and William exist, so what's to say ghosts don't?

Sebastian opened the door to the castle as it creaked open. Ciel once again looped his arm with mine and we walked into the old building. Ciel stopped and looked up at a painting on the wall. It appeared to be a painting of two boys.

"I've seen this painting before... A replica?", he thought aloud. I jumped and let out a small shriek of fear as the once opened doors slammed shut behind us as we stood there. We all looked back at the doors and noticed a light coming from a room near them.

The three of us walked into the room and saw multiple candles either lit or being lit by nothing.

"Who gave you lot permission to enter?", a voice asked. The room wasn't lit completely, so none of us could see the source of the voice.

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