His Butler, Strongest (part 2)

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What's up guys! So, when we left off yesterday, Azzurro was fearing for his life because Sebastian managed to catch up to and wreck a moving car, on foot. Claire was wondering how. Let's get into the story, shall we?


Azzurro began to freak out and yelled.

"Listen up! The Phantomhive boy, and the girl, have help on the way! Move it! Tighten security at the gate! Not so much as a single rat gets through!", he yelled. Men began to run around frantically, trying to secure the mansion.

Not long after all the footsteps stopped, a huge commotion could be heard from outside the mansion.

"Hey! Who the hell's this guy?!", a man said. All of a sudden, gunfire could be heard. Among the gunshots, different screams could be heard until there was no more gunfire, just screams. There were many echoing cracking sounds that were heard, until the last one sounded.

"Ah! My arm! He shattered the bone!", another man screamed. I looked at Ciel. He was smiling, slightly. I looked over to Azzurro and noticed that he was pacing back and forth, nervously.

"Those idiots! Can't even keep one man out!", he said. Ciel laughed.

"Looks like you're having problems, Azzurro", Ciel said.

"Shut up you brat!", Azzurro said.

In the next instant, more gunfire was heard.

Sounds like it's coming from inside...and really close to this room too...

There were a few groans of pain and a few thuds.

I think more people were defeated.

Then, glass breaking and men falling could be heard. A man screamed out in the midst of the gunfire.

"Move, damn it!", a man yelled. Some of his words were muffled, but some stood out clearly. "-the west tower. We need to rip this bastard apart!"

There were more footsteps and gunfire. These sounds were shortly followed by at least a dozen moans of pain and thuds, from men falling to the floor. A man commented from the room full of gunfire.

"Who the hell is he?", the man asked. There was a calm and quiet muffled voice coming from the same room.

That must be the man they are trying to stop...right?

Soon, everything was quiet and Azzurro was scared out of his mind. Azzurro picked up a gun and pointed it at the door. His hand was shaking and we could hear the gun rattling. Then, we heard one set of echoing footsteps coming down the hallway. When they stopped, Sebastian opened the double doors, walked in, and bowed.

"I have come to retrieve my master", he said. Azzurro gasped and lowered his gun a little.

"Is this a joke? I was expecting a giant and instead I got some scrawny dandy in a tailcoat. Who are you anyway? There's no way that you're just a butler", Azzurro said.

"No, sir. You see, I am simply one hell of a butler. I promise", Sebastian said. He had his usual smile. The smile that would send chills down anyone's spine. Azzurro laughed.

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