The Truth of the Tragedy

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I was in Ciel's study, sitting quietly as he worked. Just from glancing at his expression every now and then, I could tell something was bothering him. Something was on his mind. I was concerned, but the kiss was on my mind. He kissed me. Ciel Phantomhive, the boy I was supposed to marry eventually, kissed me.

But those thoughts soon left me when Ciel cleared his throat. I immediately turned my head to look at him and realized that he had been staring at me.

"Is something the matter?", I asked him concernedly. He sat silently for a moment, seeming to be considering his options as he continued to stare at me. Finally, he looked away and sighed before turning his gaze back to me again.

"What did Angela mean when she said 'dreadful sin'?", Ciel asked me. My eyes widened and my pulse quickened.

"W-What do you mean?", I asked in response.

"While you were with Angela, I was stuck with three grim reapers and a demon in a library full of books that recorded everything in every person's life until they die", Ciel pointed out. "We were watching a book record what was going on at the abbey."

The glowing nun...

"I wasn't there when she said it, but this nun apparently heard Angela talking about some 'dreadful sin' you committed", he continued. "What did she mean? You promised you would answer all of my questions, remember?"

I was silent for a few minutes, deciding whether or not I should tell him. I was supposed to marry him, although I wasn't sure if he had made it official yet or not. A relationship of any kind shouldn't have secrets like the one I was keeping. The other person should know what's happened and what the person has been through. I let out a quiet sigh and began to speak, but I couldn't meet his gaze.

"Do you remember when I told you about my mother?", I asked. He nodded.

"The Toraburu Tragedy", he stated as he recalled. I nodded.

"Yes, well... I didn't tell you everything...", I confessed.

"I thought you promised to answer truthfully", he replied.

"Well, I did. I didn't lie exactly. I just didn't tell you everything. I couldn't", I said. "But... I think I can now."

"Then, by all means, tell me", he directed. I took a deep breath.


~~7 years prior~~

November 11, 1881.

Claire was sleeping soundly in her bed as the sun just barely peeked over the horizon. The Toraburu manor was quiet at the early hour as servants busily went about making preparations with the master, mistress, and their eight other children while Claire slept peacefully.

The chefs were baking, the maids were cleaning and decorating, the butler was keeping an eye on all of the children while their parents went around preparing, gardeners were picking flowers, other servants were out shopping. The master and mistress had a great day planned, like they always did nine times a year.

As they continued to prepare, time went by until the sun had risen far above the horizon, despite it not being noon yet. The master, Warui, and the mistress, Shinsetsu, gathered their other children at a specific door in the manor with a breakfast cart. They carefully opened the door to keep from making a sound as they all quietly walked into the room with the cart.

Their father looked at everyone and mouthed the numbers 1, 2, and 3 to them all before they took a deep breath.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!", they all screamed to the previously sleeping girl. Claire jumped up in her bed at the sudden noise and looked around the room in a panic until her eyes landed on her smiling family.

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