Chapter three

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Victoria's POV

Today was the day of my interview for Hemmings&Co, my tummy was shaking at the thought of sitting in a room with people that are judging me,staring at me and looking at me. I threw up three times last night just thinking about it, I couldn't sleep which resulted in black bags under my eyes and a break out in spots. I'm not usually one for make-up but since I needed to look smart I decided putting a little bit of foundation,mascara and light lipstick wasn't a bad idea. 

I pulled an outfit out of my wardrobe which was a white blouse, leggings, low black heels and a black blazer.I sprayed myself quickly before picking my bag up and running to get the train. My mum was at a carers for the day so I could focus on getting my interview right. She had already so good luck and that she loved me then finished it off with a 'I know you can do this'.

I was revising all the most likely questions that they will ask when the train arrived outside the building. I was hoping the train ride would go on for an hour so I had a chance to go through everything I wanted to say and calm my anxiety down at least a little bit.

"Okay...It's just an interview...You're going to do great...You got good grades...You can get this" I spoke to myself while walking up the concrete steps to the tall glass building. It was safe to say that there was at least 20 floors. Men and women were running up and down the stairs, I got the odd stare off of some of them which made me feel even more uneasy.

Once I reached the desk I told them my name and a slim lady with her hair in a tight bun walked in front of me to show me to the waiting area. 

"It will be your turn soon Miss.Rose" She smiled and I sat down.

Everyone looked so much older then me, well they probably were at least in their late twenties no doubt. And i'm a seventeen year old applying for a job that would stereotypically be for depressed older adults making money so when they go back to their partners and children they are not empty handed.

The door where the interview was taking place slammed and running out was a middle aged women wearing a black pencil skirt and blouse crying her eyes out. I looked up and clearly my mind wondering off, I didn't even realize that I was the only one left.

I took a deep breath and fixed my appearance even more in the small mirror near the newspaper rack and walked in.

It would probably just be one woman interviewing me, like every other interview I've been its always women and they seem to be more soft spoken and more calming.

I knocked twice before walking in and a man was looking out the window, clearly in deep though because he didn't even notice me, or he's just ignoring my presence.

"Excuse me, sir...I'm here for the interview" I politely spoke and he turned around.

His hair was blonde and gelled down. He was wearing a full posh suit, the blazer and pants were a type of grey, with a white dress shirt and a red tie. He wasn't saying anything which made me more uneasy, he just stood looking at my appearance. 

Finally he tore his gaze from me and onto my CV application on his desk then looked back up at me.

"Miss. Rose is it?" He asked and I coughed to clear my throat.

"Yes, sir" I said, my throat already dry from nerves.

"Would you like some water?" He offered.

"Please" I smiled and he walked over to the machine then came back with a plastic cup filled with water right to the top.

I took a little sip of it while he stood hovering above me watching. He was extremely tall or i'm just very short.

"Take a seat Miss.Rose" He softly spoke and took my cup even though I wasn't finished.

As I sat down slowly I put my bag next to me and began to look at him so he knew he had my full attention.

"I'm Mr.Hemmings, the owner of this firm. And you're applying to be my assistant. Just so you're aware, this doesn't mean i'm weak and incapable of doing things for myself. I have too much to do and I just need a hand. So don't tell people i'm weak, i'm simply in need" He quickly said slightly harshly.

"I would never say that Mr.Hemmings. I understand it must be a lot of work, being the manager and owner of one of the biggest law firms" I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"It seems that you've done your research" He laughed.

He looked down at the application I had sent it and pushed his eyebrows together while reading.

"You're only seventeen?" He asked seeming shocked.

"Yes sir" I nodded.

"Mhmm. You realize that not even people at the age of thirty have the capability of doing something like this, right?" His voice began to get louder.

"Maybe you're just looking at the wrong people. Age doesn't differentiate knowledge, Mr.Hemmings" I spoke more confident then I originally was.

"And you think, a seventeen year old like yourself can take up the responsibility of what I need you to do? Let's see, you'll need to file paperwork, organize meetings, answer a few emails, arrange my plane tickets if i'm going away on business and make my coffee and lunch when I say I want it. You're going to be working fourteen hour shifts, Victoria and overtime if you don't complete your tasks. Can you handle that?" He snapped at me, clearly not liking the way I spoke to him.

"I'm not a weak person, Mr.Hemmings. I'm capable of doing them things and more" I challenged. Whatever he had to say to me, I was ready for my come back.

"You live in a street full of small houses...Just a question, how much do your parents earn?" He asked and I was shocked.

"Why are you asking? It doesn't affect my working effort" I said.

"Just a question...I'm curious" He pushed, leaning forward on his desk with his hands fisted together.

"They don't work" I mumbled.

"Speak up, Miss.Rose. I don't like quiet people" He pushed even more.

"My parents don't work. I don't see what this has to do with me getting a job here" He was stressing me out so much. I wanted to cry at this point.

He laughed while shaking his head then walked in front of me and sat slightly on his desk with one hand rubbing chin and the other grasping the desk.

"So, Miss.Perfect. You really think you're up for being my assistant? Since you've said you're this amazing lower class female. Can you really live up to my expectations?" He patronized me as I looked up to him.

"Yes, Mr.Hemmings. I can live up to your expectations" I smiled forcefully.

He took a deep breath before signing a form and handing it back to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow Miss.Rose. Bright and early. Be here for nine in the morning, if you're late you must stay another hour. You will leave the building at ten at night, even later if you fail to complete your task for the day. Am I clear?" He said, his deep voice booming the room.

"I understand, sir" I softly said.

"And wear something..." He said looking me up and down "Nice...And less make-up" He finished then walked back to where he was when I walked in.




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