Chapter sixteen

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Victoria's POV

I walked around the streets of London town clueless on where to go for 'nicer clothes'. I didn't want to buy something too pricey because then i'd be in debt for months with Mr.Hemmings but I didn't want to get something too cheap that looks cheap and tacky then have Mr.Hemmings be ashamed that he's bring a scrub to New York, a place that's been labelled one of the hottest cities for fashion. 

The only places I ever went was charity shops, not only were the clothes cheap you can sometimes get second hand designer and the money you give goes to an amazing cause.

I continued to walk and look through all the windows that displayed the most beautiful outfits but they had an ugly price so I soon turned away. As I continued my walk my phone began to ring, I hoped it was Sarah or Carrie so they could take my mind off of things and I could fill them in on what's happened these past few days.

But it wasn't. The caller ID read 'Mr.Hemmings' which was strange because he never calls me, if he wished to contact me it would be through email or he'd talk to me in person since I am now staying at his. 

"Hello" I politely answered.

"So...Have you bought anything yet because the last thing purchased from my card was the hotel?" he asked.

"I don't know where to shop. I have only ever bought things in charity shops and I also don't know what your price limit is for me" I said stopping outside a small cafe so I could talk without walking into people. I was always the worst at walking and texting, a lot of the time i'd walk into someone then apologize a thousand times and even after they accept it i'd feel bad for the rest of the day.

"London has plenty of designer shops and boutiques Miss.Rose. And don't you dare buy something from a charity shop, i'd feel highly embarrassed when my bank statement comes through saying I have purchased items from them type of shops" He said like it was obvious.

"Oh right...I'll be at the house after then" I quickly said then shoved my phone back in my pocket.


I walked around every shop for hours until I had bought enough outfits to last the days we were there. He said buy outfits that fit different occasions, that I would need a classy outfit when he's in meetings, something nice to wear around the city if I ever want to explore and something elegant for dinner so that is what I did. I also bought a few things as everyday wear, I got a few pairs of jeans, leggings and some shirts then I also got some underwear from Victoria Secret. I've never been in there because it's always been so expensive so I settled for £3 underwear from primark that was no way near sexy and the first time my underwear got exposed to Mr.Hemmings I got embarrassed. I didn't buy these so I could look nice if it ever happened again, which i'm sure it won't. I bought these so I could feel good in myself, Carrie always said 'When your underwear is good. You feel good'.

I finally got home and the only other person in the house was Barbra who was slaving over the kitchen counter polishing  the taps so they were sparkling clean. She does the same thing every day, somehow they always manage to get dirty even though they are barely used. 

My phone went off and this time it was Carrie. I was relieved when I saw it was her because we haven't spoken in a while and two calls from Mr.Hemmings in the space of a few hours would just be awkward.

"Vic! Vic! You need to get down to our campus now!" She rushed.

"What? Why? Is everything okay?" I rushed with panic flooding through me.

"Oh no! Not like that! There is a huge party going on and you haven't let your hair down ever since you got that job! Get on a train and get yourself over here!" She said with excitement in her voice.

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