Chapter twelve

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Victoria's POV

Today felt even longer than usual. After what happened in Mr.Hemmings office, my heart will not stop fluttering.

My job is to make all the coffees and bring in biscuits for meetings so the other lawyers and whoever may be there will have something to snack on.

I sorted all the drinks out before bring them in on a tray along side Mr.Hemmings' drink that was different who everyone else's. He had to have it milky but at a medium temperature with three sugars and he had to have the spoon there still.

I handed all the cups out carefully trying not to spill anything, and to my delight it worked. Until I got to the last person who tripped me up while I had scolding hot coffee he my hands. It went all over the bare top half of my chest as I fell and hit my head on the side of the table.

"Ouch" I cried with one hand holding my head and the other rubbing my chest.

"Useless. You can't even hand coffee out without messing up" The man laughed. Every meeting I assist in he tries to show me up "Sir, please tell me why you hired her? A tiny teenagers that lacks qualifications and can't stand on her own two feet...Surely, you would have fired her by now. You always fire the useless people! Why is she still here?" He laughed while looking a Mr.Hemmings.

"You're right...I do fire the useless people...I should" Mr.Hemmings said and my heart dropped.

"Sir, please...I need this job, I can't lose it. Please Mr.Hemmings, I'll do anything" I begged to a point of tears. I had too many things to pay for, this is the best paying job I'll ever get.

The man laughed with a smug expression looking down at me since I was still on the floor. Will I have to move out of Mr.Hemmings house? He said he can't have his assistant staying in a cheap hotel. Now if I'm fired, I'll have to move out because I'm no longer his colleague.

"Now you'll be able to find someone better" The man smiled while fixing his tie.

"No, Mr.Rodgers you're fired. You said fire the useless people so I am. I will not have one of my workers insulting another worker. If it wasn't for Miss.Rose you're work wouldn't be up to the standard it is. You have ten minutes to get out, if you're not out and your desk isn't cleared then I will call the police and you will have a criminal record. Have fun finding a new job" Mr.Hemmings said and a flood of relief came rushing through me.

"But Luke...I need this job" This time it was him begging.

"And I need a headache tablet after hearing your voice constantly saying nonsense" He snapped "You have three minutes" He added looking at his watch.

"You said ten!" He yelled.

"Miss.Rose will you please call the police" Me.Hemmings asked me.

"Of course, Sir" I said as I was about to get up the man stood up.

"You'll never find someone like me!" He yelled in Mr.Hemmings face.

"I'll find someone better" He gave a smug grin and the man slammed the door.

It felt like Mr.Hemmings finally stood up for me, after I've messed up and someone confronted him he still stood up for me. Well, that's how I like to see it as.

"Let me help you" Mr.Hemmings said and held onto both my arms while pulling me up "Go to my office, there's a mini fridge in there with an ice pack...Your chest is bright red...Take my jacket" He added and took his blazer off and put it on me.

"Thank you" I smiled and walked out.



the last bit got deleted and i cant remember what i wrote :((

comment ideas for more chapters!

thank you :) 



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