Chapter twenty-two

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Victoria's POV

The few days we spent with the band were amazing. Although Luke kept me in the house the whole time, they brought up the idea of going out for a drink or two and Luke insisted I stay here. We went to all their shows but he insisted I stayed by his side and don't wonder off anywhere, which in a way I appreciated because the crowd was pushing each other everywhere and some were even fighting each other. I was basically housebound for the few days my favourite band were here. 

"Cheers for having us again Luke. We will see you next time" Oli thanked and waved both of us off.

Luke closed the door with a long sigh he walked back into the living room and I shortly followed. He wouldn't look at me even though I was doing everything I could to get his attention but he wasn't having any of it.

"Luke why are you being like this?" I snapped and I got no reaction but I didn't give up "Daddy...Why aren't you giving me attention?" I pouted and that finally gained his attention.

He looked me up and down with a smirk before diverting his attention back to the TV that was clearly more interesting than me. With a groan I stood up and put both my shoes on hoping he'd noticed me getting ready to leave the house.

I pulled on my coat slowly then finally I felt him behind me. I grinned to myself that I finally got his attention then turned around with an innocent face and smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm going out" I stated "Good bye" I laughed.

As I turned my head he pulled me back and I hit into his hard chest then stumbled back. Looking up at him his facial expression read a demand for a reason why i'm leaving the house at 6pm without an explanation.

"Where are you going?" He asked surprisingly calmly.

"I'm going to go to see Joe...And tell him about us" I nervously said my breathing hitched in my throat.

"I'll drive you" Luke insisted and picked his keys up. He spun them around in his fingers then walked ahead again.


Luke drove me to the door of the building most of the boys live in. Joe had told me about most of them and if I was to ever visit that they'd attempt to tease me or embarrass him because they are 'immature'.

I ignored Luke's attempt to kiss me incase anyone was around, I know I was about to tell Joe or at least try. He's been so excited to see me that the thought of telling him is hurting, I keep thinking that I should tell him another day but I know it will be easier to do it know rather than a later date.

"Damn. You're not from around here are you?" A blonde boy said biting onto his lip.

"I'm here for Joe...I'm-" I went to introduce myself but I was cut off by a rather tall boy walking to the door.

"Victoria isn't it? Joe's up in his room...Straight down the hall, take a left and its the third door on your right" He smiled showing crinkles in his cheeks.

"Thanks..." I shyly spoke with a blush on my cheeks. 

I ran up the stairs, following the boys direction and eventually came to the door that had 'Boyz rule' spray painted on the door. It wasn't Joe because he hated vandalism with a burning passion so I can imagine his anger when he saw it and how much it grew when he realized it doesn't come off.

I knocked three times and clenched both my palms together as the anxiety in my brain built up inside me of how this could go. I mean I guess you could say it's obvious how it will go, he will be sad that I've done this again after promising the last time was indeed the last time.

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