Chapter thirteen

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Victoria's POV

A week of no work and no responsibilities was honestly what I needed. Hemmings&Co is being redecorated for this week so everyone is working from home. Mr.Hemmings made sure he had no work to do which also saved me because his left over work becomes my work. 

The tension off him is awkward. He seems to always look at me like a piece of meat. At dinner we would all be sitting down and it would take him a solid 5 minutes of staring at me before he started. I began to think I was sitting rudely or not lady like enough but Barbra said I was sitting perfectly and that he's been having a weird vibe for quite a while now.

She's known him for a while along with his family so I trust her when she says something. She did mention ever since we slept together he's been 'different' but she can't pin point on what. She also said that she's knows when something bad him is about to take place and he's showing every sign that something bad will happen and she wants to be prepared for it.

I was sitting down on the perfectly white sofa in my onsie watching a few episodes of The Vampire Diaries when Mr.Hemmings came in and slammed the door right behind him which shook the whole house. His face was red with anger and if this was a cartoon, i'm pretty certain steam would be leaving his ears.

He kicked the wall numerous times leaving black marks from his shoes, i'm surprised he didn't make a whole or smash the whole wall down entirely.

"Mr.Hemmings...Are you okay?" I timidly asked while walking over.

"Do I like okay? Am I smiling and laughing? Smiling and laughing is OKAY, Victoria. Kicking, screaming and wanting to break everything that crosses your path is NOT okay" He yelled with veins showing on his forehead "Does that head of yours even include a brain? Poor girl" He snapped.

"I know you're not okay...I want to know what's wrong so I can help you" I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He sarcastically laughed "I have been having the week from hell and I've had no support from anyone" He yelled again.

"I'm here to support you...Even if you hate me Mr.Hemmings, i'll always listen" I smiled slightly and he held onto the side of my face and pinned me against the wall.

"See this is the thing! You're caring and innocent self drives me insane! Do you think I like this? Do you think I like fantasizing about my assistant who's taken and younger than me? Do you think I like sitting at my desk staring through at you while imaging what it would be like to pin you down to the bed and touch you in so many ways? You always leave your bedroom door way more than half open while you get dressed or strip down like you want me to see you. Is it that what you want?" He growled and I wished Barbra was here to distract him for he asks me anything worse but Barbra went out with a friend and is staying there for the night so I was screwed "Use your words" He whispered in a dark tone.

"I-I don't know" I mumbled.

"We've spoken about mumbling before haven't we? Speak up or do we need to have a rerun of last week?" He growled.

"You don't like it when I mumbled, Sir" I said with my throat dry as hell.

"I really hate mumbling...It drives me insane" He said in disgust as his fingers pulled on the zip of my onsie and slowly down my chest.

"I have a boyfriend" I spoke up. He knew I was with Joe, I've mentioned it before to him, well I say it was to him, it was to Barbra over dinner and Mr.Hemmings heard and rolled his eyes at the topic numerous of times like love was something stupid.

"Then stop me. Push me away. Tell me to never touch you again" He said while licking his lips "You may be able to stop me but you'll never be able to stop yourself from aching for my touch" He smirked.

I stayed quiet and bit onto my lip. The heat that was flooding over me was awful. I was freezing cold before he came in, I had a blanket, a thick onsie and the heating on but I was still cold.

"So Miss.Rose...Do you want me to stop and never touch you again? Speak up this time" He knew what reaction he was getting from me, he knew that when he spoke to me, especially in this way my stomach would flutter and how badly I loved his touch.

"I can't...I can't tell you to stop. I want to but at the same time I don't. You're horrible to me but I still find you so bloody irresistible. And every time you touch me I feel a rush and when you use this tone with me I feel in a type of way I can't explain...Mr.Hemmings I hate myself for it but when i'm around you and you speak this way I suddenly forget who Joe is...Why is this happening?" Words spilled from my mouth but I wasn't done talking. I had so much left to say but I didn't know how to say it. The only thing that left my mouth was  "It's getting really hot" which was mumbled.

It didn't take him long to completely strip me of my onsie that didn't fit whatsoever anyway. He looked so dark as he watched me still pinned against the wall.

"Better?" He whispered with his teeth grazing my collar bone.

"Yes" I breathlessly said as his lips roamed all over me with his hand rubbing up and down my butt. 

I couldn't push him off even if I tried, he had my hands behind my back and he pressed himself against me which restricted me from moving in the slightest. So I was completely hopeless, I couldn't return the touch, I just had to let him kiss me all over and every touch left me shivering. His hands were still rubbing all over the bottom half of my body and I was aching for more.

"I'm going to bed" He whispered and completely backed off "I have to give annual reviews to every worker so i'll be busy all day. I'm leaving at 5:30am and it would be a huge help if you got to the office for around 6:30am?" He said and I was shocked in a way. Not for him asking me to come in early. Shocked because he stopped so abruptly.

"Sure...Good night Mr.Hemmings" I coughed awkwardly as I picked the bit of clothing I had on off of the floor.

"Sweet dreams" He smirked before walking up the stairs.




you can never have too much smut okay

there will be fluff soon but for now





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