Chapter twenty-three

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Victoria's POV

"Luke...Stop!" I laughed "I need to work" I laughed harder as he tickled my body after tricking me into a hug. He knows I hate being tickled, one point being that is creases up whatever i'm wearing and I spend around 20 minutes ironing one top just to make sure its perfect.

"And...You work for me" He teased continuing tickling me.

His hands did tease around in certain areas but soon focused on my hips and neck which was where my tickle spots were.

"Mr.Hemmings! You're meant to be in a meeting!" A women yelled from the door. I was shocked that someone actually dared to speak to him in that way. No one would dare to even speak to him incase they got yelled at let alone yell directly at him.

Luke seemed gobsmacked himself. He immediately took his hands off me and stepped back. Giving an awkward cough while fixing his tie.

"And you are?" He snapped. Finally, the person I knew that didn't take anything off of anyone was back snapping again.

"Your new assistant!" She yelled "I was taught to be very tough around my bosses, they believe they can do anything but they can't" She snapped back.

"I have Miss.Rose. She's good at her job. I don't need another and definitely not one as foul mouthed and horrid as you" He said with no emotion. It was almost like I was watching him talk to someone how he used to speak to me. Except I would be welling up in tears while he yelled and she is holding a stern face.

"It looks like you need another assistant...She's a little young isn't she?" She looked me up and down then turned her eyes back to Luke.

"Listen, i'm his assistant and they only one he wants and needs. So i'm asking you politely to leave this building before I call the police. He is the owner of this entire firm and he likes every single one of his employees looking smart not...Whatever this is..." I gestured at her choice of outfit "Now, I think you owe Mr.Hemmings an apology for rudely entering without warning of any sort" I calmly finished.

She looked at both me and Luke before turning back around to the door slamming it behind her. Luke walked in front of me with a smug expression as he pushed a small piece of hair away from my lip.

"You're cute when you're angry" He laughed "She must have had the wrong place...I don't remember applying for a new assistant...Well, when you messed up for your first time I sent an email to one of the runners up-" He went to continue.

"You were going to fire me?" I turned my head.

"Oh, come on...Don't be like that!" He said putting his head in front of mine again "The main thing to remember is I didn't" He defended.

"What's to say you won't do it again?" I huffed.

"Well, if you mess up again...You could say I've learn how to keep you in control" He said as he bite his lip and slapped my butt "Here, while i'm in my meeting...Take my card and buy yourself something nice. I'm taking you out for dinner" He smiled and kissed me.


"Typical" I muttered to myself as the heavens open and the rain began to pour.

And it was just my luck that I didn't bring a jacket or an umbrella. The weather forecast said it will be hot and sunny all day so I wore a short sleeved dress with no tights. I could already feel my mascara running because waterproof is a lie.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on Luke's number so he could send me a car to pick me up. No way was I walking back to the train station just to go back to the office to then get a car home.

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