Chapter eleven

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(warning-hot chapter(;)

Victoria's POV

Once Joe returned home for the week, I didn't hold back on being 100% honest with him. I told him everything, I spoke about how I now live with Mr.Hemmings and what happened between us. I expected him to be hurt and hurt he was. We sat in silence for about half hour which caused my heart to pumped faster and faster. He finally spoke up and was honest that he's annoyed but he knows how vulnerable I am and that when I'm vulnerable I don't think, my mind and body goes numb. He accepted that I now live with Mr.Hemmings and Joe constantly reminded me on how much he loved me and that nothing is my fault. He told me that when he finishes his course we are moving into a nice apartment together and that he's already began looking.

We made up and spent the week together. I didn't go to work, I'm going to start prioritising Joe more and that starts now.

But he left to go back to uni this morning so I went straight to work. I didn't stress up fancy, I wore a pair of leggings and black blouse with some pumps. I don't recall Mr.Hemmings having meetings today so I want to be comfy at my desk while answering numerous emails.


"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Mr.Hemmings yelled as I sat down at my desk.

"With my boyfriend" I honestly answered.

"My office...NOW" He said pulling me up and taking me to his office.

"That hurt" I said while rubbing my arm.

"And being told I'm shit at my job and that I'm slacking because of some immature 17 year old that CLEARLY couldn't care less about her job!" He yelled "You know I had thousands of applicants, some with years of experience in office work and it took me WEEKS to get through every interview. I had people who would kill to get this job! And you!? You act like it's just a stay at home job that you can do whenever you want!" He yelled louder.

"Then why did you pick me then? Like you said, some had years of experience, employers would always pick them over someone that has just finished school" I snapped.

"I saw a hell load of potential in you Miss.Rose. Every mess up you made, I fixed. Every time someone from my meetings said I need to get someone new, I told them that you're learning and need time. But you throw it in my face but having unauthorised days off and a disgusting vile attitude" He snapped even worse.

"It won't happen again, I promise" I mumbled while playing with my fingers.

"Look up at me" He said while lifting my chin up. His face was close to mine but yet again I was frozen.

His hands were cold and the feeling off his silver ring felt even cold. His presence sent chills down my spine, every time I see him I shake. Not from fear, he may be intimidating it I do not fear him. I don't know what makes me shake when I see him, it seems to be a mystery.

"Get over the desk" He whispered.

"W-what?" My voice shook and it began to feel like my heart slowly rising up my throat.

"I'm sure you hear me loud and clear" I nodded before walking past him and done what he said.

I felt clueless on what the point to this was, I didn't know what he was going to do. I had mixed feelings towards the anticipation I was feeling.

"Miss.Rose...I told you if you act out of line there will be a punishment. Clearly, a talk and a warning that your job is hanging by a thread doesn't work like it did with my other assistants...I guess you need a little more then them" He whispered in my ear with his body over mine.

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