Chapter fifteen

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Victoria's POV

It was the next working day and I was settled down at my laptop writing up the reports that Mr.Hemmings did yesterday with the staff.

"Miss.Rose take my laptop down to the staff room and take a coffee down for me as well" He ordered me while shoving his laptop in my hands and slamming his office door.

Not once in the four months I've been working here has he ever gone down to the staff room. Everything that was in there, we had up here.

His mood was hard to work out. He was obviously tired from being up late and then having to wake up early, he looked slightly frustrated and overall just completely off.

I knew the tension in the staff room would be awkward when I first walked in. Majority of the people in there witnessed the scene yesterday and the ones that didn't clearly heard about it because it has obviously become the gossip of the work place.

"I think we now know how she keeps her job" Someone in the room laughed as she sipped her coffee "She thinks she can turn her nose up at us when we kept our job by being hard workers but she keeps her job showing pushing her non existent boobs out and opening her legs...I'm honestly ashamed to work in the same place as her" She added looking disgusted.

They all clearly didn't realise I was there because no one was facing me. Not like they acknowledged my presence anyway.

"Isn't she like 12? Mr.Hemmings has gone from a classy business women with skills and qualifications to a 17 year old who looks like she hasn't hit puberty" A man laughed.

"We should all have a word with him. Knock some sense into him that there's better people out that that don't need to offer themselves up to keep a job" Another women laughed.

"Maybe we should all have a talk now? Seeing you all have so much to say" Mr.Hemmings snapped.

They all turned around looking nervous and scared. I didn't realise he came in and I didn't plan on telling him what his workers opinions are on me and him.

"S-Sir...We had no idea you were here. You're never here" A women stuttered.

"Clearly you didn't but that isn't an invitation to gossip about someone that can fire you and make sure you never get another job and someone who tries her best to help all of us" He began to yell "So if you would like to address a situation please sit down and speak up...Miss.Rose if you could take notes" He added and we both sat down slowly followed by  the other staff clearly wishing they had to said anything.

"Mr.Rodgers...Something to say?" Mr.Hemmings said with a grin plastered on his face.

"No, Sir. Nothing at all" He said swallowing every ounce of pride he held.

"Nothing? Not even about my ex wife?" I currently had no idea what to write. My hands were shaking from the anxiety that was building inside me "Mrs.Betterson...Now that you have my attention would you like to give a complaint on how I keep my staff in check? How my staff work? What I'm currently seeing is that I should be ashamed of working in the same place as you. Bullying in the workplace is something I will never stand for and you are a bully. Now, before I make my final decision..." He paused.

The awkward tension kept building with every word he spoke.

"Miss.Rose...Is there anything you'd like to address while you have my attention?" He asked turning to me but I refused to look at him.

"No...Mr.Hemmings" I honestly choked on my words "Everything is fine" I smiled looking at my clammy hands.

"Nothing?" I pushed more. I wanted to say how out of place I felt, how embarrassed I am and how offended I felt hearing their opinions on me. They pretty much think i'm a unqualified slut, which hurt a lot. But I kept my mouth shut, which was probably the best idea. If I said how hurt they made me, he'd probably fire someone and that would make the situation between the entire firm awkward.

"No...Nothing Mr.Hemmings" I mumbled.

"Well...I'd like to address that there is a new rule, speak clearly and do not mumble. Bullying of course is not tolerated like it has always been. I'll be making annual reviews more often than before and they will be any day even if its just one of you so always be prepared" He finally finished "Now get to work...I don't pay you to sit and gossip all day...Unbelievable" He huffed and stood up.

Everyone else copied his actions like when you're in a school assembly and your teacher walks in, you stand to show respect and when they leave you do the same. Except at school the tension was not awkward and at school all people were thinking about was what game they will play when they get home, whereas now, at work all people are thinking the same thing which is that i'm a knocked up dumb 17 year old.

"You too Miss.Rose...Now!" He snapped at me as he left. 

As he left there was a laugh coming from one of the women. The same women that always has a problem with me. Clearly she was laughing that Mr.Hemmings had snapped at me but its got to a point where i'm used to it and I just take it that its his usual tone.

I wanted to say something but I just picked his thing up and walked up five flights of stairs in heels back to my desk. I still haven't learnt the lesson that I should wear flat shoes to school but Mr.Hemmings has said that flat shoes, in his eyes look unprofessional.

I logged into the laptop and skimmed through all the emails, labeling some as junk, deleting a few, reading through some and having to print a few off that contained important files.

"Miss.Rose I need two business class flight tickets to New York booking for May 29th to June 3rd, I want a five star penthouse suite as well...Here's my card, put it all on that" He said as he walked past and threw his card on my desk.

All of this would cost a fortune, in order for me to be able to afford this i'd have to sell an arm and a leg to get it but his card contained millions so the price of this was probably cheap for him. 

"Of course" I smiled.

I was booking it but I kept thinking about who the extra ticket was for. Did he need to bring another worker? A client? He's been in touch with his ex wife recently, he claims to hate her with extreme passion but when the talk on the phone he seems completely fine with her. Then again, it could be a fake act or he's serious.

I'm acting like some crazy psycho girlfriend but what am I meant to do while he's away? If he's away i'd be bored out of my mind at work, even though it's just full of his criticism and at home we don't talk as much as you would think. I would be super bored.

As he walked back again I asked the question that was pondering all around my head. I didn't know if i'd regret it but I wanted to put my mind at ease.

"Mr.Hemmings, who is the second ticket for?" I coughed up and he gave a cocky grin.

"Worried i'll be taking another women are we?" His grin grew bigger.

"No" I snapped unintentionally.

"Yes you are...You're jealous of the other women around me aren't you?" His grin still remained.

"No" I said again in the same tone.

"Relax, love. The second ticket is for you, you're my assistant therefore I require you everywhere. And honestly, if I left you here you'd become a slave for everyone else. You're too scared to stick up for yourself around them" He laughed.

"I'm not scared" I said folding my arms.

"Is that relief I see in your eyes now? Now you know you're coming and not someone else" He laughed "How about you take my card and get yourself a few things. We leave tomorrow night and I need you to look...Nicer" He said looking at the piece of paper that contained the information of the flight and hotel then looked me up and down.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved that he's not taking someone else and he's taking me instead. Although I shouldn't be, i'm extremely happy its not someone else and that it's me but i'm just going to keep telling myself i'm excited for New York, not because i'll be around Mr.Hemmings somewhere that isn't here.   



i have loads of stuff to write about for this book

i'm excited

its gonna be an emotional ride ify 



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