~Chapter One~

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~{Romano's POV}~
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I sit on the couch with a basket of tomatoes and a glass of water while Spain runs up and down the stairs carrying just about everything in the house. Pillows, blankets, food, pet beds- wait why pet beds? Does he love his turtles that much?

"Spain," I say as he runs up the stairs with a movie. He either didn't hear me or he's ignoring me. "Spain! SPAIN!" Finally, the Spaniard yelled from upstairs, "¿Sí?"

"What are you doing?!" He ran downstairs and literally jumped over the railing of the stairs at about the fourth step. He looked at the house, which was spotless until I took a bite of a tomato and some tomato guts got on my shirt. Okay, to Spain, I was part of the house, so I needed to be spotless too.

As he grabbed a rag and cleaned up my little mess he said, "France and Prussia are staying over tonight so-" I spit out my water that I was drinking all over Spain. "WHAT?! WHY?!" Spain wiped his face and sighed. "They're my friends, Roma! We're having a sleep over!!"

Spain's smile was way too big. "You look and sound like a sixteen year old teenage girl. Could you wipe that smile off along with the spit-water?" He only giggled. Annoyed, I rolled my eyes and took another drink of my water, finishing it. "Get me more water."

"What's the magic wo~rd?" Not this... I glared at him and he stared back, still looking like a teenage girl. I gave in and said, "Fine! Please get me some more water."

"Say it in Spanish," he said. Is this guy for real? I just said please! Now he wants me to say it in Spanish?! Thinking back at the words he has taught me in my lifetime, I say, "Por favor... Traeme un poco de aqua."

"Close! It's 'Por favor tráeme un poco de agua.'"

"That's what I said."

"No, first of all, you have to make sure to pronounce the words right. You said 'traeme' which is different from 'tráeme.' Second of all, it's 'agua' not 'aqua.'"

"Whatever! Why do I need to know your language anyway?" Spain gestured to the couch, then the tv, then the roof. "You live in my house. You live in my country. You live in Spain." Oh I see. His roof, his rules, right? Screw that.

Then there was a knock at the door and Spain jumped up and down before answering it. I grunted and got up to get my water myself. As I was walking into the kitchen I heard the three start greeting each other. Walking back to the couch, I saw France and Prussia with bags and their birds.

Pet beds. Duh!

France noticed me looking at all three of them and winked at me. "Bonjour Romano~!"

"I'm going to Italy's," I said, grabbing my phone. Spain shook his head. "I believe he and Germany are on a date. They finally got together!"

Prussia laughed and looked at me with his hypnotizing eyes. He said, "Hell yeah they're together! Mein bruder finally got the courage to ask him out! Good thing I raised him to be so awesome!" He pumped his fist in the air and France grinned.

Then Prussia dropped his hand and cleared his throat. Putting his hands on his hips, he said loudly, "But not as awesome as me of course!"

I sat back down on the couch, rolling my eyes. "This is just great. I'm stuck with you three, my younger brother has a boy-" I stopped myself, "lover, and I'm hungry."

Spain pranced over to the couch and patted my head. "It's okay Romano! Somebody will confess their love to you someday! The three of us will probably be in the big guest bedroom most of the time anyways."

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