~Chapter Five~

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Diary Entry-Romano
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
/Dear diary,
Spain's sleepovers kept on and sometimes France couldn't make it so it was just Spain and Prussia. Those (two) nights Prussia didn't come to my room because they stayed up late, but I didn't mind. We still spent the other nights getting to know each other, sneaking out to ding-dong ditch or blow airhorns through the neighborhood, playing with the collection of stuffed animals I have, and just sharing things about our brothers or family. We became friends eventually and now I'm more comfortable around Prussia, but we still have to pretend to hate each other around everyone or else they'd think there was something up.

Prussia would give me hugs when no one was looking and we even have a secret handshake. It's nice to have some one around who understands me, which is why I let Prussia stay that first night. He was keeping me company and I was happy he thought of me at his best friend's sleepover. France and even Spain always ignore me for the most part. But Prussia? Prussia visits me and talks to me and asks me how I'm doing.

And, now that I think of it... I think...

I think I'm falling for him. God, I hope I'm not. I don't want to, but it's hard. He's been so kind to me, and he's listened to me. He knows all my secrets except for this one. If I do like him, he'll never know. It'd be too hard to tell him. Especially since when I talk to him, his hypnotizing, ruby red eyes stare into mine, and it drives me insane. I think that's my favorite feature on him; his eyes. They're so pretty and I can't help staring into them sometimes.

He's so amazing, I don't think anyone has ever seen him like I have. I know nobody's seen the real me except him. I've never laughed or smiled like I do in front of him. Maybe this is what I needed.

All those years acting like I hated everyone shall come to an end. Yes, I know I just lied, but now I really want to tell him. But first, I want to tell the person who's always loved me no matter what. My little brother, Veneziano. I want to talk to him about it sometime but I'll have to gather up all the courage to tell him. Oh god what has happened to me? Prussia's got me head over heels for him and he doesn't even know it. I don't even think he notices when my curl forms a heart when he tells me I'm special or when we spend time together.

Anyway I will eventually tell him and Italy but for now, I'll just pretend I'm fine with us being friends. He's coming over tonight too, he should be here in about an hour. To wrap this up, I'm going to say...

Diary, I have a crush. And there's no way for me to escape the trap of love that Prussia's caught me in.

~South Italy-Romano~/

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