~Chapter Three~

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~{Romano's POV}~
"Look at all these moneys," I said to myself and my secret teddy bear. Yes, I sound like a five year old, but Sir has gotten me through some times that I haven't dared to tell people about. I tell him my secrets and show him things that I wouldn't let anyone know about and I talk to him because it really feels like he's listening to me, just hanging on to every word, taking it all in. Then, I can just cuddle him and things become a whole lot better.

That's another weakness of mine that nobody knows; cuddles. Everyone thinks I'm a harsh jerk who doesn't care about anyone or anything except tomatoes. That's not true. I care about my brother, I care about Spain, and I care about everyone else! But since Italy is the adorable, soft, and kind brother, I have to be the hated, mean, and annoying one.

I show Sir my money and talked quietly so no one would hear me talking like a baby. We were on the floor and I was sitting cross-legged with Sir sitting in front of me. Laying on my stomach because my back began to hurt, I counted the money and smiled. It was fun beating Prussia at Left, Center, Right again!

I was so lost in thought, I didn't realize Prussia was standing in the doorway, partially because my back was towards him. When he cleared his throat, my smile vanished and the first thing that came to my head was, the bear, so, naturally I hid the bear behind my back, sat up, and looked at Prussia like nothing happened.

He giggled and said, "I saw that."

"Saw what? I don't know what you're talking about," I replied.

"Mmhm. Riiight. What was it?"


"Lies. Show me."


"So it is something?"

"Well- yes but-"

"What is it then? C'mon!"

"It's nothing! Just um..."

"A stuffed bear?"

"He is not just a stuffed bear!! He's..." As soon as I realized what I said, I blushed. "You know nothing! And it's a Teddy Bear. Stuffed bear sounds like you killed a bear and stuffed it."

I put Sir in his bed located in the closet - yep, he even has a bed - and locked it. "What do you want," I said, not really asking. Prussia sat on my bed and patted it, beckoning for me to sit next to him. I didn't really want to but he refused to tell me until I sat next to him, so I did and immediately regretted it. He started tickling me.

I giggled and kicked then we both stopped. I look at him and he looked at me. I shook my head and he nodded his. He tickled me again and I giggled again, falling on my back, allowing him to tickle me better. "DAMNIT! YOU DISCOVERED ONE OF MY WEAKNESSES!!"

"Oh really?" Prussia smirked as I giggled more. He laughed at me and said, "You're giggle is adorable," which would've made me blush if I wasn't being tickled to death. "STOP OR I'LL KICK YOU!" He only hushed me so we wouldn't wake the other two up, but he didn't stop.

I kicked him in the gut and he stopped. The Prussian frowned and said, "Ow that actually hurt," which made me feel a little bad.

Only a little, though.

I shrugged it off and gave him the "I told you so" response, which he didn't like. He started sassing me and giving me a lecture about how I wasn't suppose to kick "Zhe Awesome Prussia" because it made him slightly less awesome that he was kicked by me. My punches and kicks are pretty hard, though.

I decided to get comfortable while he gave his lectures and laid my head on my pillow. I started to drift off to sleep (again) as his words went into one ear and out the next. He stopped talking right before I fell asleep and it went silent. I waited for a moment with my eyes closed, then felt something soft lay next to me. I'm guessing Prussia left then because I heard faint footsteps.

I opened one eye and found Sir lying next to me. I nearly choked on thin air when I heard Prussia say, "Buona notte, Romano. You're awesome, even if no one else thinks so." I heard the door close and my eyes widened in surprise.

Did he just call me awesome? And tell me good night in my language? Wait, "even if no one else thinks so?" Does he know? I never knew he was so kind... What was that? It made me feel happy but at the same time... I'm shivering.

I pulled the blanket up so it was nearly over my head and clutched onto my bear. Then I looked out the window that was next to my bed and said quietly, "God, please don't let me. I don't want to." Then I looked at the stars outside until I fell asleep.

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