~Chapter Sixteen~

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~{Prussia's POV}~
You know...

I am extremely tired.

Romano and I stayed up really late just talking and laughing. It was worth it, though. I got to hang out with him alone under the stars.

Romano is still asleep, which is not a big surprise. He looks so cute cuddling my arm. He has a habit of doing that. He doesn't cuddle my body, he doesn't cuddle pillows or anything; when I'm around, he cuddles my arm.

Romano stirred and awoke from his almost four hour slumber. He looks up at me and rolls on my legs so that he could bury his face in my stomach. I smile and let him play with my hand like a newborn. "Good morning, Little Bear. Did you get enough sleep?" I ask.

He shakes his head and forces himself up. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes,  he says, "I'm still sleepy..."

"Well, maybe if we didn't stay up so late, and you would've gone to bed sooner the rest of your life, you wouldn't be." I say, swiping the hair out of his face.

"But I enjoyed our talks," Romano whines. "Didn't you?"

I nod. "Of course I did, but you seem really tired."

"Eh, I'm always tired. Oh, look," Romano says, peering past the hill. "A wild brother. Also know as, the Italy." I laugh and get up to see two sleepy brothers stumbling towards us. "Oh, there's a potato bastard, too."

Italy yawns as he gets closer and Germany stares up at his hair. A lot of people say he looks extremely attractive with his hair down, and I think if he wasn't so attached to Italy, he could've gone anywhere with his hair like that and he'd be even more of a chic magnet than he is now.

The thing about Germany and girls is he's oblivious to their flirts most of the time - and they never know he has a boyfriend. Even I couldn't get as many girls as he could, and I'm awesome! At least I don't need a girlfriend now. Or a different boyfriend. Damn, I'm really, really gay.

"Good morning, guys... " Italy squeaked. Looks like he's really tired, too. "Did you guys do anything last night?" Germany sighed.

"Just talked," Romano shrugged. "Like all night. What about you two?"

"We spied."


"We were spying constellations!" Germany yelled. "Y-You know... I Spy. Only constellations..."

Romano and I looked at each other confused. They've got to be hiding something. Oh no, they could've done anything.

We stood in awkward silence before Romano's phone started ringing. He picked it up from the ground and checked it, only to roll his eyes and answer.

"What's up?" He said. There was some yelling on the other side of the phone and Romano sighed. "Okay, lo siento. No, I meant to call you but-" he paused again. "I'm sorry, I forgot, I was busy!" He froze a moment later.

I looked at West and Italy and we all gave each other the same confused look. "I was..." Romano looked at me and held his breath, "sleeping. From like... three to almost now. No it's true, I swear! I-I'm not lying!"

"What's going on?" Italy whispered. Romano mouthed, Spain got worried, and Italy sighed softly.

"Okay," Romano continued, "I'll be home by two. When I get home, I'll do some cleaning, and maybe we can do something together. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. Yeah, okay." He sighed. "I love you, too. See you soon, arrivederci." He finally hung up and dropped to the ground. "Oops," he said.

We all sat down next to him. Romano rolled onto his side and gave me a hug, burying his face in my chest. "I don't want to leave any time soon," he muffled.

"Me neither," Italy said, playing with Germany's hand.

I laughed, watching the Italians, and said, "Look at us, West."

"No," he smiled, "Look at you. Never thought you'd be laying in the grass, cuddling him, did you?"

Looking down at Romano falling back asleep, I smile. "No. But now I can't imagine anyone else in his place." Once more, I saw Romano smile as he fell asleep in my arms, once again. The same beautiful smile he gives me every time I see him. "No one could ever replace him, because no one needs me more than he."

Sorry this one was late and short, I didn't have any ideas for this chapter, I'll try to get back to normal schedule, but with a bunch of shit coming up in school, I may not do so well with that. If I don't keep up my A's and B's my mom will kill me, if I don't get to that first. So if school continues to go okay, and no homework for more than like two hours comes up, I should do fine on doing one or two chapters a week. Maybe three if I'm that free and full of inspiration.

*whispers* There's a huge reason this relationship is going so well btw...

But pay no mind to that! ( ✿^∇^)

So yeah, see you soon, cinnamon rolls, and stay sweet! へ( ≧ω≦)ノ゙

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