~Chapter Twenty-Seven~

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~{Romano's POV}~

I didn't want to do that. I don't even know why I said that. My brain just thought it, so my mouth obeyed the laws. Did I want to do that? Did I really feel we should... take a break?

Either way, it may be for the better. I need some time to myself, some time to think about what we've been through the last six months. It's been one emotional roller coaster, that's for sure. But... I still had fun.

I couldn't help but cry silently walking home, planning to ignore Spain and lock myself in my room. I was going to do that, until I actually got to the front door. I stop my crying and wiped my eyes, hoping Spain wouldn't see that they were red and puffy. The sniffles had to stop, too. But when I walked in the door, Spain turned to me from walking up the stairs and said, "Romano? Why are you home, I thought you were staying with your brother?"

The sight of him, the most comforting, loving, caring person I know, made me burst back into tears. He ran to me and took my face in his hands. "Mi hermano, what's wrong?" He wrapped his arms around me in a comforting embrace that you could only get from a big brother or sister. "Pause the tears and tell me, por favor?"

I nodded into his shoulder and he lead us to the couch, where we sat and he rubbed my back. I calmed down and wiped my eyes, choking out, "It's about Prussia and me..." Spain's eyes widened and he looked at me apologetically. "We... got into a fight and I-" my eyes started to swell up again so I said the rest quickly, "-told him I needed a break for some stupid reason!" I refrained from crying to much, which wasn't hard because my heartbreak was slowly shifting to anger.

Spain smiled sincerely and hugged me. "Oh, you two... It'll be all right, Romano."

"But I didn't want to say that!"

"Maybe you didn't realize you wanted to think about you two."

"I still want to be with him, though..."

"Then don't break up if you really do. But this 'break' could be good. You two seem to spend a lot of time together, anyways."

I sniffed and dropped my eyes to my hand, which Spain held comfortingly. Can this get any more emotional? "I'm... sorry." I said slowly after two minutes of silence.

He tilted his head. "For what?"

"Our argument earlier. I didn't mean to... say all those things or walk out. I thought it would be better to forcefully stop the argument by leaving, rather than talking." My eyes lifted up and my hand shook as sudden realization began to dawn on me. I did the same to Prussia...

Spain shook his head, "No, it's okay. I shouldn't have pushed it. Here," Spain shifted and crossed his legs on the couch. "how about I go make some awesome dinner and maybe make some of your favorite dessert?"

"Paella?" Spain nodded. "Miguelitos?" Another nod. Score. "Thanks."

"Of course! Oh, and, maybe you should just stay home for a while... At least until you understand what you want." Spain headed for the kitchen to make the food and I sat on the couch, awaiting the smell of the food to wonder its way to my nose, and the taste to bounce around in my mouth.

Maybe this was good. But it could also be bad. I don't know how to go about it. But... Spain is right. I need to think about everything. And who knows? Maybe it'll make the relationship I have with Prussia even better.


I want Spanish food... (. . )

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