~Chapter Nine~

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~{Romano's POV}~
"Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock."

I sang along with the clock in my room while my teddy bears lay all over the bed with me. I love this room. So cozy, so warm, so friendly, so... me.

It was definitely my room. It had red, white, and green walls, to make it look like my - well mine and Veneziano's - flag was plastered on all four walls. My bed was different shades of green and there was a huge, pretty painting above it of Venice, drawn by my dearest brother. A mini replica of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, on the white dresser, that I myself made. A big tv sat on a white stand against the wall opposite of my bed. There was an empty corner that I kept my teddy bears in, other than now, and then there was a big closet that took up almost all of a whole wall. Shirts were hanging up and other things were in a dresser. There was also a big mirror and the closet closed with a curtain. Tables and shelves were thrown all over the room, holding anything from tiny handmade villages to antique cities.

There was a knock at the door and Germany and Italy came in. I propped myself up with my elbows and said, "What's up?" Italy and Germany sat next to me and smiled, both at the same time.

"What are you doing? What's with the smiles?"

"Oh nothing," Italy said, a bigger grin developing.

"So," Germany said, "you like my bruder, ja?"


"Do you love him?" Italy made a kissy face and locked his arm around mine.

"Yes! I mean he did relieve me of anger, why wouldn't I?" Well... He just made me happy because he actually cared.

Then at the same time, Italy and Germany said,"We're going to try to get you two together!" I stared blankly at them, partially because it was cool how their accents blended together when they talked at the same time, but also because they were completely insane.

"You're... what?" My head moved to face the wall, but I quickly snapped back to look at them again. "Are you insane!? We don't know if he likes me! What if it'll change our friendship!? What if he never talks to me!?" I gasped, "What if I never get to see his beautifully, weird eyes...? IN CASE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'LL HAPPEN, I'LL DIE!!"

"FRATELLO, CALM DOWN, PLEASE!" Italy shook my shoulders to get the crazies out. Germany nodded and added, "Prussia wouldn't do that."

I sighed. Maybe, but I, nor do they, know for sure. I guess there's only one way to find out, right? "Okay," I nodded to them, "how are you going to help me?"

"That's the thing," Italy said, winking, "it's a secret! But it will be soon!"

Germany nodded and almost smiled reassuringly. "Just don't worry about it. We'll make sure this works." Sighing, I agreed. Even though it'd be the hardest thing to forget about, I trust these two. Germany seems to trust me with his brother, so that makes me a little more happier that I won't have to run and hide from him. He seemed really surprised when he figured it out, and he's the only one that would ever think of him because they're brothers.

I just hope this works. It'll be really scary, and I don't want to do whatever is going to be needed, but I really like Prussia, and I want him to like me. I won't know if he likes me, too, unless I ask or tell him. This better be a good plan. If it ruins our relationship, I'll throw both of them in a dungeon. For now, though, I trust them, and I want them to help, because being the baby I am, I need the help.

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