~Chapter Twenty-Eight~

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~{Romano's POV}~

Three knocks at my door awoke me from a deep thought. It was my brother, Spain, and he looked really worried. Well, I had been in my room for the last three days, not wanting to come out, sobbing every once in a while.

The whole "break" thing has really made me miserable, but Spain said it would all be fine. I heard him talking with Italy over the phone after dinner a couple days ago. He had called to check on me, but they got into a serious conversation about how "it would effect their relationship" and "make them miserable beings for the time they're apart." They were right about that one.

I know I'm making a huge deal about this, but I've never been in a serious relationship. It hurts. It stings. It feels like a million needles are stabbing my poor, little heart. But at least it's real. After a week, I hope it's better.

"Romano... Are you all right?" Spain asked, rhetorically.

I answered anyway, "I don't know. No? Yes? I just... I don't understand anymore."

"Well," he sat down on my bed, next to my legs, "Maybe... I think you should go see Prussia now. I got a call from Italy and he said that Prussia is dying to see you again. And I know it's the same for you. How about it, hermanito?"

I jumped up with a smile. "He is?!"

Spain nodded with a giggling smile. "How about I arrange something with your brother and we can have you guys meet at the park or something?"

"So long as Italy isn't driving, I can't lose him now!" I chuckled.

"Oh, that wouldn't be good. I'll call Germany. You go take a shower and get dressed, si?"

"Sí!" Spain left me to rummage through my drawers and closer to find decent clothes. I quickly hopped in the shower, hopped out after I was clean, and got dressed. My hair was still a little wet so I grabbed the towel and ruffled my hair.

Spain then called my down to the car. Grabbing my phone, I jolted to the car and hopped in. "Excited?" Spain laughed. As if that needed an answer. I wore a huge smile that took the attention away from my plain jeans and green t-shirt.


~{Prussia's POV}~

As soon as I saw his face, my face lit up as bright as the sun. I turned to Germany and Italy, who had dragged me here without an explanation. "Why didn't you guys tell me?!"

Italy gave an innocent smile as Romano tackled me in a hug. "Prussia!" He exclaimed. "Oh how I've missed you!" He dug his face in my chest as I wrapped my arms around him tight. He had tears and he was sniffling, but he was also smiling and giggling. I laughed too.

"I missed you more, you little devil!"

"I'm so sorry, Prussia. I thought... I thought I needed it. And I guess I did, because now I love you even more!"

"Hey, don't get all sappy on me! It's all right. I'm just glad I still get to see your face." We kept holding each other for what seemed like forever until he stood on his tiptoes and smashed his lips into mine. It didn't seem to surprise me much. Our lips moved with perfect synchronization. I could feel sparks shooting through my veins like little rockets sending joy and pleasure through my body.

Romano wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled away from the kiss. "You little shit," he joked.

"I love you too, Romano." He gave me one last peck before taking a step back and smiling. I smirked mischievously at him. He realized I was planning something and took another step back.

"Prussia, no."

"Prussia, yes!" I picked him up bridal-style and spun around, laughing with him until we were both dizzy. I kissed his nose and turned to the other three who were smiling with delight.

Germany had a small smile, but it was the sincerest I've ever seen. Italy was beaming along with Spain who wiped away a fake tear. We smiled back and stood in silence.

Then I acted like I was going to drop Romano, freaking him out. He smacked my cheek lightly as I laughed hysterically.

I'm glad everything's back to normal.


You're happy it's back?
So there is one more chapter left, and I just want to thank all of you who have dealt with my shit excuses and stayed determined. I love you all!! 😘😘 I'll talk more about it in the next chapter, which right there >>

Unless... You're on a computer?? In which case... Why???

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