~Chapter Six~

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~{Prussia's POV}~
"Okay, okay!"
Spain, France and I were sitting in Spain's room telling of things we've done or something. It was France's turn and he was smirking. "This isn't really something I did - okay technically I caused this. So when I was raising Canada, I taught him how to talk to women the way I do, you know, the flirty, sexy, way. I guess he kept that in mind and apparently, he got someone pregnant last week."

I nearly choked on my own spit. "Wait CANADA? Sweet little innocent CANADA? That Canada? Like our Canada?! Are you serious?!"

"Oui. He only told me, England, and America, and America is still asking who because he never told us who."

Spain was sitting there with his head tilted, "Wait a minute... Canada? Where's that?"

"ARE YOU-" I stopped before I finished my sentence, stood up, and walked out the door. "I am so done."

France sighed, "Prussia, mom ami, come back in here it's your turn."

"Who's Canada?" Spain asked again.

"I refuse to be in the same room as him now!" I was on the other side of the door.

"Prussia. Darling-"

"Don't darling me! Tell him who Canada is!"

"Canada is the country above America. They look - and
sound - a lot alike. They're often confused for each other, England and I call them the Twin Countries of North America. Though their personalities are nothing alike and they don't seem to get along all the time. If you want to remember him, Canada is the hat of America-"

I ran back in the room and interrupted France, "AMERICA IS CANADA'S PANTS!!" France sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Spain thought for a moment then his tiny peanut brain clicked and he said, "OH CANADA! Yeah I know him." I went up to him and smacked him. "PEANUT BRAIN!"

"Hey... That hurt my brain and my heart..." I rolled my eyes as Spain tried not to smile because he was acting like a baby. "Anyway it's my turn, right?"

I sat down and said, "Okay so as long as we're talking about others, I wanna tell you a cute story about mein bruder." They better understand this or I'm kicking their asses. "When Germany was little, just a small empire-" France gasped and clamped a hand over his mouth, "He had a crush. She was a very beautiful - ahem - lady and they always hung together. He was always afraid of doing something that would make it seem like he was a perv or something. And so, he'd always be careful before he did something. But one day he accidentally pulled on her dress and he wouldn't show himself to her for the rest of the day." I looked at Spain.

He raised an eyebrow, "I don't understand what you said that for but oh well." I groaned loudly and France face-palmed. "What?"

"Spain," I said, "Who do you think that girl was?" Spain shrugged. "You're so stupid! I even gave you a hint! 'When Germany was little, just a small empire,' was a hint!"

"I'm so confused!"



"BOYS!! SHH!" France listened for a bit then sighed. "We don't want Romano to show up and ask why we were talking about them."

"Oh yeah," I said, whispering, "That's a sensitive subject for him."

"How would you know?" France asked.

I blinked. Shit. "Um... Doesn't everyone?"

Spain nodded, "Actually yes, just about everyone knows not to talk about that around Roma. He'll blow up on you and tell you not to talk about them because they shouldn't have even met or something. I don't know, he'll make up some lie because he's upset that Holy Rome left his brother and didn't come back."

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