~Chapter Twenty-Six~

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~{Prussia's POV}~

Let me just start this off with I am so tired. Germany kept me up past midnight because he was wanting help with a bit of work. Don't get me wrong, I love helping my little bro, it lets me know that I can still help him. It's just that... Sleep is still an important thing to me, and I'd prefer getting at least ten hours of sleep.

Then the damn dogs would not stop barking for some reason. That kept me up about two more hours. Also, someone not naming any names (cough, cough, Italy, cough), decided it would be great for some early morning cooking.

I had about three hours of sleep.

And no, I couldn't just sleep all day, because my dear boyfriend is over after having an argument with his older brother. Fantastic, isn't it?

We all (me, Germany, Italy, and Romano) sat in the living room, Germany reading, Italy and Romano watching a cooking show (imagine how that went...), and me, sitting there, wondering how I'm going to make it through the day without having an energy failure.

I listened to Romano and Italy argue about the show. Romano said, "There is no need for that much sugar."

"But it makes it sweeter," Italy argued.

"The damn cake is already sweet! It's lemon cake!"

"Lemon cake needs sugar."

"I know that! But he added more than needed!" Romano crossed his arms.

"What if it's his special recipe?"

"How many recipes can there be for lemon cake, fratello?" Italy shrugged, resulting in Romano throwing his arms in the air in exasperation and groaning. "I need a drink. Got any wine?" He got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"No," Italy pouted, "I have to buy more." At this, Romano groaned again. He's irritated at something, and that's not good.

Germany looked up from his book and suggested, "We have milk, water, and beer. I have to go shopping soon."

"Speaking of beer," Romano said from the kitchen, "there's a glass half full of it in here. It's gonna make the kitchen smell of it if it isn't taken care of."

I sighed and spoke for the first time today. "That would be mine. Just leave it there, I'll get it later."

"Why don't you get it now? It's awful!"

"I don't want to get it now," I complained, accidentally coming off a bit rude.

"I'm concerned for the health of the house, it should be taken care of."

"Then take care of it."

"This isn't my house and it isn't my beer!"

"I take care Italy and he isn't mine."

Romano stormed out of the kitchen and glared at me. I just stared at the tv. "That's different! He's a human! This is an inanimate object we are speaking of. It isn't capable of getting himself into trouble!"

I heard Italy mumble, "Hey... I'm not that bad." But I seemed to be the only one that heard him.

"Do you have to shout at me?" I asked, this time raising my voice a bit.

"Apparently so, otherwise you wouldn't listen and you wouldn't be taught something," Romano seemed red with anger. Did that stop me from arguing and instead apologizing, agreeing with him, and getting rid of the beer? No. Instead, I said the worst thing I could ever say in a situation like this:


Now I've done it. Romano stomped a foot, causing Italy it squeak in fear and Germany to raise a brow, examining the situation quietly behind his glasses and book. "You know what?! Since my lazy boyfriend can't pick up after himself and keep his environment clean, why don't I just go back home?"

"But Romano," Italy said with a frown, "didn't you and Spain have a fight?"

"It was an argument. It would be better than sitting here."

"Fine, leave," I grumbled. "Since I'm so bad." Italy started to say something but Germany hushed him.

"What is your deal today?!"

"What's yours?" I stood up and we walked closer toward each other, both fuming.

"You, now!" Italy squeaked again. I stepped back two steps out of surprise and heartache. "God, I don't know what your problem is, but I don't like it."

I searched my brain for something to say, and it handed me the wrong thing. "You always have a problem! No matter the day, you always have an attitude! I get sick of yours!" Well that's just great, Prussia, well done.

Romano's eyes glassed over. I felt bad. But he quickly reverted to anger and yelled, "I need a break!"

"From... what...?" I asked, feeling like the worst person in the world. I could name him, buuut... We don't mention him in this household.

Sighing, Romano walked to the door. "Us." My heart sank. "See you guys later," he said, sounding like he wanted to collapse right there and sob.

I did too. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him until he shut the door behind him and left.

~{Prussia's POV}~

The room was silent, except for the tv which blabbered on about some medicine that was "the number one doctor recommended pills for" something that I didn't hear.

"Oh no..." Italy whispered.

Oh no was right. This isn't really happening is it? No.

But it is. Germany cleared his throat and said, "It's all right, boys. Romano is just taking some time to think about this. He is an emotional man. And this is normal! I think..." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Italy punch his shoulder, even though it seemed to do no effect.

I put a hand on my head and pulled at my hair, thinking of how this could end. It's a 50-50 chance of either strengthening our relationship, or ending it. To be honest, I'd rather take the first one.

I started walking downstairs to the basement when I was stopped by Germany asking, "Where are you going?"

"My room..." I said quietly and softly.

Italy took small steps toward me. Oh, Prussia, you shouldn't isolate yourse-"

"No," I interrupted, "it's okay. I'm not. I just want to sleep."

"What about dinner?" Germany asked.

"I'm not hungry." Without anymore questions, they let me go.



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