~Chapter Seventeen~

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~{Romano's POV}~
Today has been so boring. I had fun with Prussia, Italy, and Germany yesterday, but today is just... Bleh. Spain has been cleaning (even though we cleaned almost the whole house yesterday when I came back), which leaves me to do nothing in my room.

I decided to text Prussia and see if he's busy. I can't necessarily go anywhere with him, or else Spain would get upset, but I can at least talk to him. I send just a simple, Hey and wait for him to respond. Almost a minute later, he texts back.

Wassup, South?

I text back, Just being bored. You?

Pretty much the same. Wanna talk over the phone?

Yeah, sure. He sends me a kissy emoji, making me giggle, before he calls. I answer, still smiling. "You're a dork," I say.

"Why, because I sent a kissy emoji?" he laughs.

"Yes, but you're a dork anyways."

"I know. So what's Spain up to?"

I roll my eyes and groan, "Cleaning. Again." I could hear Prussia's sigh through the phone.

"And didn't you guys clean yesterday?" Prussia queried.

"Yes. Almost the whole house!"

"Hm." Prussia pauses for a moment, then starts talking to someone else. Judging by how high and giggly the voice is, it's probably my brother. I can't exactly make out what they're saying, but I can still hear the muffles. He finally gets back to me and says, "Sorry, Italy was asking me about Germany. He's so sweet."

The corner of my lip tugged a bit. "And then you think of how many women he's tried before."

"Come on, how many girls have you even dated?"

"Actually, quite a few, but can we not speak of that? I don't want to remember those times..." I hate my life choices.

Snickering, Prussia mocked, "Why, because you miss some of them?"

"No, more like I hated all of them. I regret so many of my choices in life." I rolled around on my bed until my head was hanging off the side and my legs were against the wall. All the blood in my body will probably start rushing to my head soon, but oh well.

"Oh, you poor thing. At least you don't have to hate any more girls. Or boys I guess."

"Yeah. I have you," I smiled.

My smile disappeared just as fast as it came when Spain burst through the door with an enthusiastic cheer. "Good afternoon, Romano! Who are you talking to this fine evening?"

"Um..." I bit my lip and sat up, my head pounding. "A friend," I replied. "And could you not scare me next time?"

Spain bounced around some more, completely ignoring my request, "I'm finished cleaning! Would you like to go do something?"

"Like what? Stop bouncing around my room!"

He stopped bouncing, but still expressed an exciting and passionate smile. "I don't know, maybe we could go out for a walk and get ice cream and meet some new people and get some more ice cream and maybe some tacos-" he talked so fast, it took me some time to comprehend it all, "-oh and we can invite Italy along! Then we can all be hermanos and do hermano stuff! Come on, Romano!"

On the other side of the phone, Prussia spoke, "Go ahead and have fun with your brothers. We can talk later." I sighed.

"Alright, Spain. You go call Italy. I'll get ready."

Spain gave a loud cheer before exiting the room, leaving me to sit in silence for a moment.

"'A friend,' huh? Is that all I am to you?" Prussia joked.

"Oh shut up!"

"I love you," he laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

Prussia chuckled and once more and we both said goodbye. Now for some "Hermano Time" with my big and little hermanos. Great...

If you didn't know and didn't care to look, "Hermano" means "brother" in Español. I'm teaching myself Spanish. With an app. Just simple stuff, nothing big.

Also, I would say I had an excuse for not updating because my phone just HAD to stop charging and Wattpad doesn't really work on my tablet or laptop, but after I got a new phone, I kinda procrastinated 'n stuff. Plus it was spring break and I literally hung out with my friends the whole time. I go back to school tomorrow, I'll try (there won't be any promises now) to get back on course. Thank you for putting up with my shit, cinnamon rolls! Stay sweet! X3

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