~Chapter Twenty-Four~

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Diary Entry-Romano

Wednesday 2-3-16
Well, Hermano now knows about my secret, and he was surprisingly chill about it. I guess he really does care for me... I've always wanted a big brother like Fratello, and I never realized I have one. He's a moron, sure, but I guess he is a pretty great hermano.

Ugh, I have to quit being so sweet about this shit. But anyway, let me just give you a recap of what has happened throughout my life.

Hermano and his stupid friends' sleepover. That was the night it all began. That damn  potato bastard just had to come to my room. We just had to talk, and he just had to call me awesome.

Actually, come to think of it, I don't think he's ever really called anyone but himself awesome. Did he like me before we got to know each other?

Anyway, then we started talking every Friday, then we started doing things every Friday. After that, it was every night. By then we knew basically everything about the other. And I fell in love. My closet romantic ass fell for that sweet cookie dough thing called Prussia (I didn't know how else to explain him).

A few days later, Fratello and original Potato somehow made us confess without either of us knowing what they were doing. That led to a date. And a few more.

At this point, I'm happily dating the albino, and we're trying to keep our relationship a secret from all who we can. I don't know why, but we are.

And my clumsy ass gets caught dating him.

Maybe I am a little too vulgar. Eh, I've seen worse.

Now, Prussia and I are just going to let everyone else figure out themselves. We'll help by sitting next to each other during meetings, holding hands, and other couple stuff. I just hope they don't think less of me... I still want to be the angry, vulgar, sarcastic creature I am. Because that's actually a part of me.

Prussia is suppose to take me on another date soon, maybe Saturday if we don't have a surprise world meeting. I'm just glad things are going amazingly. I don't want this to be another bad relationship.

What if I just...

did a chapter where our two lovebirds go out on a date to like a cafe or something and they get called gay and Romano gets all upset about it because he's insecure?

Would that be okay?

I ran out of ideas and I need like three more chapter ideas because I'm only doing like six more chapters and I have three ideas down.

So would that be okay?

What do you guys want?

h3LP M3 p1z

I say "like" a lot, just call me Poland now kay?

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