~Chapter Ten~

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Diary Entry-Prussia
Friday, January 24, 2016
/Dear Diary,
Today I watched Austria play his piano again. I'm slowly learning how to play myself, from all this learning. I don't know if it'll make me more or less awesome, but who cares right now? The sound of pianos are beautiful, and I want to rub it in Austria's face!

I've also been learning more about Romano. I didn't get to see him tonight because Germany said Austria wanted to see me again, even though he actually didn't, so I had to come here.

It's nearly midnight here and I am so lonely. Austria is sound asleep and Hungary has snuck off with her friends, though she doesn't know that I know. I'd usually be in Romano's room right now, talking and laughing as quietly as possible, so as to not wake the other two.

Oh Romano. He's so cute. So adorable. So amazing! I want to hug him every time I see him.

I want to hug him everyday. I want to see him smile more often, see him giggle while I tickle him, see him. Poor thing is always so angry because everyone expects him to be. I feel so bad for him, yet I understand how it feels to be left out like he is. We're both the forgotten ones of our brothers, and it makes us the way we are. I act like I do to get peoples' attention.

That's it... I know you're just a book, but Diary, I'm going to tell Romano. Tell him what, you ask? Tell him I love him. Tell him that I love him, and want to be with him, and hold him in my arms for all eternity, so no one can ever hurt him or make him mad!

I'm going to do it as soon as possible. No matter what he feels, I will tell him.


The Awesome Prussia!!/

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