~Chapter Seven~

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~{Prussia's POV}~


My eyes fluttered open to see the worst thing that could ever be here right now.

Spain and France.


All our eyes were as wide as the planet earth itself. France had his his hand clamped over Spain's, who's eyes were actually about the size of the sun(just think about that for a moment). He was probably the one who screamed and woke me up. Well duh, Prussia, you're so smart!

Only then did I realize I was still in Romano's bed, and he was cuddled up to my back, still sleeping soundly. One of his arms were wrapped around my body, holding me close to him.

Romano's eyes fluttered open and he didn't seem to notice anything, so he groaned, turned over, and put an arm under the pillow. Spain scoffed and France covered his own mouth. We all sat in silence.

That is, until Romano shot up and screamed, "HOLD UP A MINUTE!" He whipped his head and looked from me, to Spain, to France, and to the bed. "NO, WAIT," he said, "THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR!" Spain twitched his eye, about to snap. France noticed this and held his shoulders so he couldn't do anything, like strangle me to death.

Spain spoke between clenched teeth, "What is it then?" Romano stared and looked out the window. He didn't want to tell Spain he was afraid of storms. "Romano," I said, "tell him."

"Tell me what," this wasn't really a question, it was really suppose to mean, "Tell me what he's talking about or both of you get thrown into a pool of laser-sharks."

Romano only stood there stuttering.

~{Romano's POV}~ I'm a rebel.
"Romano, tell him."

This is madness. Stupid Prussia, why'd he have to got to bed with me?! I guess I kind of liked it... He was warm, and the comfort was nice. Oh, God, I need help!

For now, though, I need to tell Spain. It's time to face it - though not completely - and tell him.

"Um... Well..." I stuttered.

Spain crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. Was I that important to him that he'd get mad at his best friend for falling asleep with me? Couldn't be. No one loves me. I'm not so sure even Prussia really does.

I looked from Prussia, to France, to Spain, and back to Prussia. Prussia nodded, telling me I need to tell him so he can help too. "Okay," I said, trying to get the words out. Normally I wouldn't be scared to tell him but it would make it seem like I'm not the mean, bitchy, brother everyone thinks I am. No one knows the real me.

No one but Prussia...

Quickly, I said, "I'm scared of storms so Prussia was trying to help me get over it but it didn't work so he told me he'd stay with me until I fell asleep and I guess he accidentally fell asleep with me I don't know please don't kill us!"

I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared for the laughs, but no one did. In fact it was so quiet you could've heard a pin drop.


And there it was. One of my tacks or something must've fell. "Ironic," France said, looking at the paper clip next to his feet.

"Romano," Spain said softly, ignoring France's joke, "why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."

I sighed, "I thought it would ruin the part where everyone thinks I'm a jerk and hate everyone... I thought you'd call me a baby and tell me to suck it up because I'm suppose to be tough and mean..."

Spain shook his head and said, "I would never tell you something like that. I'm sorry, I should've paid more attention to things like that when you were just small." He has no idea. "Tell you what," he sat next to me, "Whenever you need, come get me and we'll find someway to help you not be so scared, okay?" Nodding, I sighed.

"I'm so stupid."

France smiled and ruffled my hair, "Not stupid, just silly." I fixed my hair and Spain got up, walking towards the door, "Okay. I'm going downstairs now, Prussia, come."

"I'm not a dog," Prussia said with sarcasm in his voice. He got up and walked too, along with France. Before France left, though, he made sure the other two were gone, then looked back at me and winked. "I think Prussia likes you," and with that, he left, leaving me blushing.

Then, I did something I hadn't done in a while. Okay I have, but this time, it's different. It has a different emotion to it.

I smiled. I smiled because the thought of Prussia liking me back, made me warm and bright. Prussia makes me happy, he makes me different, he makes me... me.

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